
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

using namespace std;

vector<string> v = {
map<int,string> mtwenty = {
map<int,string> mhundred = {

void mytransform(long long  x,int cnt,string &out){
    string space = " ";
    string temp;
    if(x<20) temp = mtwenty[x];
    else if(x<100){
        int hundred = x/10;
        int r1 = x%10;
        if(r1==0)temp = mhundred[hundred];
        else temp = mhundred[hundred]+' '+mtwenty[r1];
    else if(x<1000){
        int thousand = x/100;
        int r1 = x%100;
        int hundred = r1/10;
        int r2 = r1%10;
        if(r1==0) temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1];
        else if(hundred==0)temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1]+
            " and "+mtwenty[r2];
        else if(r2==0) {
            if(hundred>1) temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1]+
                " and "+mhundred[hundred];
            else temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1]+" and "+mtwenty[r1];
        else {
            if(r1<20)temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1]+" and "+mtwenty[r1];
            else temp = mtwenty[thousand]+space+v[1]+" and "+
                mhundred[hundred]+' '+mtwenty[r2];
    if(cnt>1)out = temp+space+v[cnt]+space+out;
    else out = temp+space+out;

int main() {
    long long n;
        long long &q = n,r = 0;
        string out;
        int cnt = 1;
            r = q%1000;
            q = q/1000;
            mytransform(r, cnt,out);