- 牌型:个子、对子、顺子、三个、炸弹、对王
- 大小规则:对王 > 炸弹 > 其他(同类型比较)
- 牌面大小:3 < 4 < ... < K < A < 2 < joker < JOKER
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Solution {
unordered_map<string, int> values = {
{"3",3}, {"4",4}, {"5",5}, {"6",6}, {"7",7}, {"8",8}, {"9",9}, {"10",10},
{"J",11}, {"Q",12}, {"K",13}, {"A",14}, {"2",15}, {"joker",16}, {"JOKER",17}
pair<int,int> getTypeAndValue(string hand) {
stringstream ss(hand);
vector<string> cards;
string card;
while (ss >> card) cards.push_back(card);
// 对王判断
if (cards.size() == 2 && card == "JOKER" && cards[0] == "joker")
return {5, 17};
// 炸弹判断
if (cards.size() == 4 && card == cards[0] && cards[1] == cards[0] && cards[2] == cards[0])
return {4, values[card]};
// 其他牌型
if (cards.size() == 1) // 单张
return {1, values[card]};
if (cards.size() == 2 && card == cards[0]) // 对子
return {2, values[card]};
if (cards.size() == 3 && card == cards[0] && cards[1] == cards[0]) // 三个
return {3, values[card]};
if (cards.size() == 5) { // 顺子
vector<int> vals;
for (string& c : cards)
sort(vals.begin(), vals.end());
if (vals[0] >= 3 && vals[4] <= 14)
if (vals[4] - vals[0] == 4)
return {0, vals[4]};
return {-1, 0};
string comparePoker(string hand1, string hand2) {
auto [type1, value1] = getTypeAndValue(hand1);
auto [type2, value2] = getTypeAndValue(hand2);
if (type1 == -1 || type2 == -1)
return "ERROR";
if (type1 == 5) return hand1;
if (type2 == 5) return hand2;
if (type1 == 4 && type2 != 4) return hand1;
if (type2 == 4 && type1 != 4) return hand2;
if (type1 == type2)
return value1 > value2 ? hand1 : hand2;
return "ERROR";
int main() {
string line;
while (getline(cin, line)) {
size_t pos = line.find('-');
string hand1 = line.substr(0, pos);
string hand2 = line.substr(pos + 1);
Solution sol;
cout << sol.comparePoker(hand1, hand2) << endl;
return 0;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
static class Solution {
private Map<String, Integer> values = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {{
put("3",3); put("4",4); put("5",5); put("6",6); put("7",7);
put("8",8); put("9",9); put("10",10); put("J",11); put("Q",12);
put("K",13); put("A",14); put("2",15); put("joker",16); put("JOKER",17);
private int[] getTypeAndValue(String hand) {
String[] cards = hand.split(" ");
// 对王判断
if (cards.length == 2 && cards[1].equals("JOKER") && cards[0].equals("joker"))
return new int[]{5, 17};
// 炸弹判断
if (cards.length == 4 && cards[0].equals(cards[1]) && cards[1].equals(cards[2])
&& cards[2].equals(cards[3]))
return new int[]{4, values.get(cards[0])};
// 其他牌型
if (cards.length == 1) // 单张
return new int[]{1, values.get(cards[0])};
if (cards.length == 2 && cards[0].equals(cards[1])) // 对子
return new int[]{2, values.get(cards[0])};
if (cards.length == 3 && cards[0].equals(cards[1]) && cards[1].equals(cards[2])) // 三个
return new int[]{3, values.get(cards[0])};
if (cards.length == 5) { // 顺子
List<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>();
for (String card : cards)
if (vals.get(0) >= 3 && vals.get(4) <= 14)
if (vals.get(4) - vals.get(0) == 4)
return new int[]{0, vals.get(4)};
return new int[]{-1, 0};
public String comparePoker(String hand1, String hand2) {
int[] result1 = getTypeAndValue(hand1);
int[] result2 = getTypeAndValue(hand2);
if (result1[0] == -1 || result2[0] == -1)
return "ERROR";
if (result1[0] == 5) return hand1;
if (result2[0] == 5) return hand2;
if (result1[0] == 4 && result2[0] != 4) return hand1;
if (result2[0] == 4 && result1[0] != 4) return hand2;
if (result1[0] == result2[0])
return result1[1] > result2[1] ? hand1 : hand2;
return "ERROR";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String line = sc.nextLine();
String[] hands = line.split("-");
Solution sol = new Solution();
System.out.println(sol.comparePoker(hands[0], hands[1]));
def get_card_value(card):
values = {'3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, '10':10,
'J':11, 'Q':12, 'K':13, 'A':14, '2':15, 'joker':16, 'JOKER':17}
return values.get(card, 0)
def get_type_and_value(cards):
cards = cards.split()
# 对王判断
if sorted(cards) == ['JOKER', 'joker']:
return 5, 17
# 炸弹判断
if len(cards) == 4 and len(set(cards)) == 1:
return 4, get_card_value(cards[0])
# 其他牌型判断
if len(cards) == 1: # 单张
return 1, get_card_value(cards[0])
elif len(cards) == 2 and cards[0] == cards[1]: # 对子
return 2, get_card_value(cards[0])
elif len(cards) == 3 and len(set(cards)) == 1: # 三个
return 3, get_card_value(cards[0])
elif len(cards) == 5: # 顺子
values = sorted([get_card_value(c) for c in cards])
if values[0] >= 3 and values[-1] <= 14: # 不能包含2
if values == list(range(values[0], values[0] + 5)):
return 0, values[-1]
return -1, 0 # 非法输入
def compare_poker(hand1, hand2):
type1, value1 = get_type_and_value(hand1)
type2, value2 = get_type_and_value(hand2)
if type1 == -1 or type2 == -1:
return "ERROR"
# 对王最大
if type1 == 5:
return hand1
if type2 == 5:
return hand2
# 炸弹比较
if type1 == 4 and type2 != 4:
return hand1
if type2 == 4 and type1 != 4:
return hand2
# 同类型比较
if type1 == type2:
return hand1 if value1 > value2 else hand2
return "ERROR" # 不同类型无法比较
# 主程序
while True:
line = input().strip()
hand1, hand2 = line.split('-')
print(compare_poker(hand1, hand2))
- 使用字典存储牌面值
- 通过牌数和重复情况判断牌型
- 顺子需要检查连续性和范围
- 先判断特殊牌型(对王、炸弹)
- 再判断是否同类型
- 最后比较牌面大小
- 时间复杂度:
- 因为牌数最多5张,可以视为常数
- 空间复杂度:
- 只需要常量额外空间