这是一个任务调度问题。需要根据 的
- 每个
- 程序员选择任务时需要考虑所需时间最小和
- 需要维护程序员的工作时间线
- 按照输入顺序输出结果
- 维护程序员工作队列
- 处理每个时间点的
- 按规则选择最优
- 记录完成时间
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct Idea {
int id; // 原始序号
int pmId; // PM序号
int time; // 提出时间
int priority; // 优先级
int duration; // 所需时间
Idea(int id, int pmId, int time, int priority, int duration)
: id(id), pmId(pmId), time(time), priority(priority), duration(duration) {}
class Programmer {
int currentTime;
Idea* selectBestIdea(vector<Idea*>& ideas, int pmCount) {
vector<Idea*> pmTopIdeas(pmCount, nullptr);
// 找出每个PM最优先的idea
for (auto idea : ideas) {
if (currentTime < idea->time) continue;
int pmIndex = idea->pmId - 1;
if (!pmTopIdeas[pmIndex] ||
idea->priority > pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->priority ||
(idea->priority == pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->priority &&
idea->duration < pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->duration) ||
(idea->priority == pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->priority &&
idea->duration == pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->duration &&
idea->time < pmTopIdeas[pmIndex]->time)) {
pmTopIdeas[pmIndex] = idea;
// 从所有PM的最优idea中选择一个
Idea* bestIdea = nullptr;
for (auto idea : pmTopIdeas) {
if (!idea) continue;
if (!bestIdea ||
idea->duration < bestIdea->duration ||
(idea->duration == bestIdea->duration &&
idea->pmId < bestIdea->pmId)) {
bestIdea = idea;
return bestIdea;
Programmer() : currentTime(1) {}
int getTime() const { return currentTime; }
int processIdea(vector<Idea*>& ideas, int pmCount) {
Idea* selectedIdea = selectBestIdea(ideas, pmCount);
if (selectedIdea) {
int ideaId = selectedIdea->id;
currentTime += selectedIdea->duration;
// 移除已处理的idea
auto it = find(ideas.begin(), ideas.end(), selectedIdea);
if (it != ideas.end()) {
return ideaId;
return -1;
class Solution {
vector<int> solve(int n, int m, int p, vector<vector<int>>& ideaInfo) {
vector<int> result(p);
vector<Idea*> ideas;
priority_queue<pair<int, Programmer*>,
vector<pair<int, Programmer*>>,
greater<>> programmers;
// 初始化ideas
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
ideas.push_back(new Idea(i, ideaInfo[i][0], ideaInfo[i][1],
ideaInfo[i][2], ideaInfo[i][3]));
// 初始化programmers
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
programmers.push({1, new Programmer()});
// 处理所有idea
while (!ideas.empty()) {
auto [time, programmer] = programmers.top();
int ideaId = programmer->processIdea(ideas, n);
if (ideaId != -1) {
result[ideaId] = programmer->getTime();
programmers.push({programmer->getTime(), programmer});
// 清理内存
while (!programmers.empty()) {
delete programmers.top().second;
return result;
int main() {
int n, m, p;
cin >> n >> m >> p;
vector<vector<int>> ideaInfo(p, vector<int>(4));
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
cin >> ideaInfo[i][j];
Solution solution;
vector<int> result = solution.solve(n, m, p, ideaInfo);
for (int time : result) {
cout << time << endl;
return 0;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
static class Idea {
final int id;
final int pmId;
final int time;
final int priority;
final int duration;
Idea(int id, int pmId, int time, int priority, int duration) {
this.id = id;
this.pmId = pmId;
this.time = time;
this.priority = priority;
this.duration = duration;
static class Programmer {
private int currentTime;
Programmer() {
this.currentTime = 1;
private Idea selectBestIdea(List<Idea> ideas, int pmCount) {
Idea[] pmTopIdeas = new Idea[pmCount];
// 找出每个PM最优先的idea
for (Idea idea : ideas) {
if (currentTime < idea.time) continue;
int pmIndex = idea.pmId - 1;
Idea currentTop = pmTopIdeas[pmIndex];
if (currentTop == null ||
idea.priority > currentTop.priority ||
(idea.priority == currentTop.priority &&
idea.duration < currentTop.duration) ||
(idea.priority == currentTop.priority &&
idea.duration == currentTop.duration &&
idea.time < currentTop.time)) {
pmTopIdeas[pmIndex] = idea;
// 从所有PM的最优idea中选择一个
Idea bestIdea = null;
for (Idea idea : pmTopIdeas) {
if (idea == null) continue;
if (bestIdea == null ||
idea.duration < bestIdea.duration ||
(idea.duration == bestIdea.duration &&
idea.pmId < bestIdea.pmId)) {
bestIdea = idea;
return bestIdea;
public int getTime() {
return currentTime;
public int processIdea(List<Idea> ideas, int pmCount) {
Idea selectedIdea = selectBestIdea(ideas, pmCount);
if (selectedIdea != null) {
int ideaId = selectedIdea.id;
currentTime += selectedIdea.duration;
return ideaId;
return -1;
static class Solution {
public int[] solve(int n, int m, int p, int[][] ideaInfo) {
int[] result = new int[p];
List<Idea> ideas = new ArrayList<>();
// 初始化ideas
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
ideas.add(new Idea(i, ideaInfo[i][0], ideaInfo[i][1],
ideaInfo[i][2], ideaInfo[i][3]));
// 使用优先队列管理程序员
PriorityQueue<Programmer> programmers = new PriorityQueue<>(
(a, b) -> a.getTime() - b.getTime()
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
programmers.offer(new Programmer());
while (!ideas.isEmpty()) {
Programmer programmer = programmers.poll();
int ideaId = programmer.processIdea(ideas, n);
if (ideaId != -1) {
result[ideaId] = programmer.getTime();
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int n = sc.nextInt();
int m = sc.nextInt();
int p = sc.nextInt();
int[][] ideaInfo = new int[p][4];
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
ideaInfo[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
Solution solution = new Solution();
int[] result = solution.solve(n, m, p, ideaInfo);
for (int time : result) {
from typing import List, Optional
import heapq
class Idea:
def __init__(self, id: int, pm_id: int, time: int, priority: int, duration: int):
self.id = id # 原始序号
self.pm_id = pm_id # PM序号
self.time = time # 提出时间
self.priority = priority # 优先级
self.duration = duration # 所需时间
class Programmer:
def __init__(self):
self.current_time = 1
def select_best_idea(self, ideas: List[Idea], pm_count: int) -> Optional[Idea]:
# 找出每个PM最优先的idea
pm_top_ideas = [None] * pm_count
for idea in ideas:
if self.current_time < idea.time:
pm_idx = idea.pm_id - 1
curr_idea = pm_top_ideas[pm_idx]
if (not curr_idea or
idea.priority > curr_idea.priority or
(idea.priority == curr_idea.priority and
idea.duration < curr_idea.duration) or
(idea.priority == curr_idea.priority and
idea.duration == curr_idea.duration and
idea.time < curr_idea.time)):
pm_top_ideas[pm_idx] = idea
# 从所有PM的最优idea中选择一个
best_idea = None
for idea in pm_top_ideas:
if not idea:
if (not best_idea or
idea.duration < best_idea.duration or
(idea.duration == best_idea.duration and
idea.pm_id < best_idea.pm_id)):
best_idea = idea
return best_idea
def process_idea(self, ideas: List[Idea], pm_count: int) -> int:
selected_idea = self.select_best_idea(ideas, pm_count)
if selected_idea:
idea_id = selected_idea.id
self.current_time += selected_idea.duration
return idea_id
self.current_time += 1
return -1
class Solution:
def solve(self, n: int, m: int, p: int, idea_info: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
result = [0] * p
ideas = []
for i, info in enumerate(idea_info):
ideas.append(Idea(i, info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3]))
# 使用优先队列管理程序员
programmers = [(1, i, Programmer()) for i in range(m)]
while ideas:
time, idx, programmer = heapq.heappop(programmers)
idea_id = programmer.process_idea(ideas, n)
if idea_id != -1:
result[idea_id] = programmer.current_time
(programmer.current_time, idx, programmer))
return result
# 读取输入
n, m, p = map(int, input().split())
idea_info = []
for _ in range(p):
idea_info.append(list(map(int, input().split())))
solution = Solution()
result = solution.solve(n, m, p, idea_info)
for time in result:
- 算法:优先队列 + 模拟
- 时间复杂度:
- 空间复杂度: