- 查找在职员工的员工编号和当前薪水
select emp_no, salary from salaries where to_date = '9999-01-01';
- 查找所有员工的最初薪水
select e.emp_no, salary from employees e, salaries s where e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.hire_date = s.from_date;
- 查找在职员工的员工编号和薪水涨幅(当前薪水-最初薪水)
select sCur.emp_no, (sCur.salary - sStart.salary) growth from (select emp_no, salary from salaries where to_date = '9999-01-01' ) sCur, /*From Step 1*/ (select e.emp_no, salary from employees e, salaries s where e.emp_no = s.emp_no and e.hire_date = s.from_date ) sStart /*From Step 2*/ where sCur.emp_no = sStart.emp_no /*inner join the tables from Step 1&2*/ order by growth;
看过评论之后,发现答案可以用两个inner join大幅简化,简化后的答案思路和上述答案基本一致
select a.emp_no, (b.salary - c.salary) as growth from employees as a inner join salaries as c on a.emp_no = c.emp_no and a.hire_date = c.from_date /*Similar to step 2 above*/ inner join salaries as b on a.emp_no = b.emp_no and b.to_date = '9999-01-01' /*Similar to step 1 above*/ order by growth;