[1,1,1] 当我们遇到第一个set方法的时候 就需要插入到head 和tail 之间,
[1,2,2] 这时我们需要将新节点插入到head与node(1,1)之间。
[1,3,2] 添加到head后面;
[2,1] 发现已经有key=1对应的节点;则把Node(1,1)移动到head后面;
[1,4,4] 这时候发现节点的数量已经达到内存上限,则需要把最不常用的节点Node(2,2)删除,把新节点插入到head后面;
[2,2] 这时候查找节点发现没有,则返回-1;
#include <unordered_map> struct DListNode{ int key, val; DListNode* pre; DListNode* next; DListNode(int k, int v): key(k), val(v), pre(nullptr), next(nullptr){}; }; class Solution { private: int size = 0; DListNode* head; DListNode* tail; unordered_map<int, DListNode*> mp; public: /** * lru design * @param operators int整型vector<vector<>> the ops * @param k int整型 the k * @return int整型vector */ vector<int> LRU(vector<vector<int> >& operators, int k) { // write code here if(k < 1) return {}; this->size = k; this->head = new DListNode(0,0); this->tail = new DListNode(0,0); this->head->next = this->tail; this->tail->pre = this->head; if(operators.size() == 0) return {}; vector<int> res; for(vector<int> op : operators){ if(op[0] == 1) { set(op[1], op[2]); } else if(op[0] == 2){ int value = get(op[1]); res.push_back(value); } } return res; } void set(int key, int val){ if(mp.find(key) == mp.end()){ // hashmap 中没找到 DListNode* node = new DListNode(key, val); mp[key] = node; if(this->size <= 0){ removeLast(); } else{ this->size--; } insertFirst(node); } else{ // hashmap 中已经有了,也就是链表里也已经有了 mp[key]->val = val; moveToHead(mp[key]); } } int get(int key){ int ret = -1; if(mp.find(key) != mp.end()){ ret = mp[key]->val; moveToHead(mp[key]); } return ret; } void moveToHead(DListNode* node){ if(node->pre == this->head) return; node->pre->next = node->next; node->next->pre = node->pre; insertFirst(node); } void removeLast(){ mp.erase(this->tail->pre->key); this->tail->pre->pre->next = this->tail; // remove the last node in dlist this->tail->pre = this->tail->pre->pre; } void insertFirst(DListNode* node){ node->pre = this->head; node->next = this->head->next; this->head->next->pre = node; this->head->next = node; } };