with t_rank as
select *,
count(score) over(partition by job) as total,
row_number() over(partition by job order by score) as a, #升序序号
row_number() over(partition by job order by score desc) as b #逆序序号
from grade
select id,job,score,b
from t_rank
where a>=total/2 and b>=total/2
order by id
with t_rank as
select *,
count(score) over(partition by job) as total,
row_number() over(partition by job order by score,id) as a, #升序序号
row_number() over(partition by job order by score desc,id desc) as b #逆序序号
from grade
select id,job,score,b
from t_rank
where a>=total/2 and b>=total/2
order by id