- 第二次购买成功的C++课程或Java课程或Python课程的日期second_buy_date
参考了友友的答案,where筛选max min 真的很妙
但不太理解为什么要group by...希望有大神解释一下 TVT
select a.user_id, min(date) as first_buy_date, max(date) as second_buy_date, a.cnt from (select user_id , date, row_number()over(partition by user_id order by date asc) r_number , count(id)over(partition by user_id)cnt from order_info where date > '2025-10-15' and product_name in ('C++','Java','Python') and status = 'completed')a where a.r_number <= 2 and a.cnt >= 2 group by a.user_id , a.cnt order by a.user_id asc;