# 平均接单数:司机总接单数/司机数,打车订单表有多少条记录就接单多少次
# 平均兼职收入:总费用/司机数

# 计算平均接单数和平均兼职收入
select (select "北京") city,round(count(o.id)/count(distinct driver_id),3) avg_order_num,
round(sum(fare)/count(distinct driver_id),3) avg_income
from tb_get_car_order o
left join tb_get_car_record r
on r.order_id = o.order_id
where driver_id in (
    # 统计2021年国庆7天期间在北京市接单至少3次的司机
    select o1.driver_id
    from tb_get_car_record r1
    join tb_get_car_order o1
    on r1.order_id = o1.order_id
    where city = "北京"
    and date(order_time) between '2021-10-01' and '2021-10-07'
    group by o1.driver_id
    having count(o1.driver_id) >= 3
and order_time >= "2021-10-01 00:00:00"
and finish_time < "2021-10-08 00:00:00"
and city = "北京"

