-- 第一步 做出所有人的两个指标
with t as 
    select t.uid,level,sum(start_time is not null and submit_time is null) as incomplete_cnt,
        round(sum(start_time is not null and submit_time is null)/count(1),3) as incomplete_rate,
        count(exam_id) as num
    from user_info t
    left join exam_record t1 on t.uid = t1.uid
    group by t.uid
-- 第二步 冲
select uid,incomplete_cnt,incomplete_rate
from t
where EXISTS (
    select uid from t where level=0 and incomplete_cnt>2
) and level=0
union ALL
select uid,incomplete_cnt,incomplete_rate
from t
where not EXISTS (
    select uid from t where level=0 and incomplete_cnt>2
) and num>0
order by incomplete_rate