WC130 寻找第K大


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

class Solution:
    def findKth(self, a, n, K):
        # write code here
        a_sort = self.quick_sort(a, 0, n-1)
        return a_sort[n-K]

    def quick_sort(self,l,left,right):
        if left >= right:
        low = left
        high = right
        point = l[low] 
        while low < high:
            while low < high and point<= l[high]:
                high -= 1
            while low <high and point >=l[low]:
                low += 1
            self.swap(l, low, high)
        self.swap(l, left, low)
        return l 
    def swap(self,l,i,j):
        tem = l[i]
        l[i] = l[j]
        l[j] = tem


class Solution:
    def findKth(self, a, n, K):
        # write code here
        return a[n-K]


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

class Solution:
    def partsort(self, l, left, right):
        point = l[left]
        low = left
        high = right
        point = l[low] 
        while low < high:
            while low < high and point<= l[high]:
                high -= 1
            while low <high and point >=l[low]:
                low += 1
            self.swap(l, low, high)
        self.swap(l, left, low)
        return low
    def swap(self,l,i,j):
        tem = l[i]
        l[i] = l[j]
        l[j] = tem

    def findKth(self, a, n, K):
        # write code here
        l = 0
        r = n - 1
        div = self.partsort(a, l, r)
        while(div != n-K): #只有当刚好右边有k-1个大于div处的值时,返回此时的值,否则只需对一边排序
            if div < n-K:
                div = self.partsort(a, div + 1, r)
                div = self.partsort(a, l, div - 1)
        return a[div]