E. Little Brother


Masha’s little brother draw two points on a sheet of paper. After that, he draws some circles and gave the sheet to his sister.
Masha has just returned from geometry lesson so she instantly noticed some interesting facts about brother’s drawing.
At first, the line going through two points, that brother drew, doesn’t intersect or touch any circle.
Also, no two circles intersect or touch, and there is no pair of circles such that one circle is located inside another.
Moreover, for each circle, Masha drew a square of the minimal area with sides parallel axis such that this circle is located inside the square and noticed that there is no two squares intersect or touch and there is no pair of squares such that one square is located inside other.
Now Masha wants to draw circle of minimal possible radius such that it goes through two points that brother drew and doesn’t intersect any other circle, but other circles can touch Masha’s circle and can be located inside it.
It’s guaranteed, that answer won’t exceed 1012. It should be held for hacks as well.


First line contains four integers x1, y1, x2, y2 ( - 105 ≤ x1, y1, x2, y2 ≤ 105) — coordinates of points that brother drew. First point has coordinates (x1, y1) and second point has coordinates (x2, y2). These two points are different.
The second line contains single integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number of circles that brother drew.
Next n lines contains descriptions of circles. Each line contains three integers xi, yi, ri ( - 105 ≤ xi, yi ≤ 105, 1 ≤ ri ≤ 105) describing circle with center (xi, yi) and radius ri.


Output smallest real number, that it’s possible to draw a circle with such radius through given points in such a way that it doesn’t intersect other circles.
The output is considered correct if it has a relative or absolute error of at most 10 - 4.

Sample Input:

2 4 7 13
3 0 1
12 4 2
-4 14 2

Sample Output:


Sample Input:

-2 3 10 -10
7 0 3
-5 -5 2

Sample Output:



平面上有 <math> <semantics> <mrow> <mn> 2 </mn> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application&#47;x&#45;tex"> 2 </annotation> </semantics> </math>2 个点与 <math> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application&#47;x&#45;tex"> n </annotation> </semantics> </math>n 个圆,经过两点画圆使其与 <math> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application&#47;x&#45;tex"> n </annotation> </semantics> </math>n 个圆不相交(可包含),求最小半径


考虑二分圆心到两点中点的距离,找到对于 <math> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application&#47;x&#45;tex"> n </annotation> </semantics> </math>n 个圆中每个圆内切、外切的两个距离

最后选出最小与 <math> <semantics> <mrow> <mi> n </mi> </mrow> <annotation encoding="application&#47;x&#45;tex"> n </annotation> </semantics> </math>n 个圆不相交的距离求出半径即可


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double db;
const db inf = 1e13;
const db eps = 1e-9;

int Sgn(db k) {return fabs(k) < eps ? 0 : (k < 0 ? -1 : 1);}
int Cmp(db k1, db k2) {return Sgn(k1 - k2);}
struct Point {db x, y;};
typedef Point Vector;
Vector operator - (Vector k1, Vector k2) {return (Vector){k1.x - k2.x, k1.y - k2.y};}
Vector operator + (Vector k1, Vector k2) {return (Vector){k1.x + k2.x, k1.y + k2.y};}
db operator * (Vector k1, Vector k2) {return k1.x * k2.x + k1.y * k2.y;}
db operator ^ (Vector k1, Vector k2) {return k1.x * k2.y - k1.y * k2.x;}
Vector operator * (Vector k1, db k2) {return (Vector){k1.x * k2, k1.y * k2};}
Vector operator / (Vector k1, db k2) {return (Vector){k1.x / k2, k1.y / k2};}
db GetLen(Vector k) {return sqrt(k * k);}
db GetDisPointToPoint(Point k1, Point k2) {return sqrt((k2 - k1) * (k2 - k1));}
Vector Rotate(Vector k, db ang) {return (Vector){k.x * cos(ang) - k.y * sin(ang), k.x * sin(ang) + k.y * cos(ang)};}
Vector Rotate90(Vector k) {return (Vector){-k.y, k.x};}
struct Circle {Point o; db r;};
bool IsInside(Circle k1, Circle k2) {
    db dis = GetDisPointToPoint(k1.o, k2.o);
    if (Cmp(k1.r - k2.r, dis) >= 0 || Cmp(k2.r - k1.r, dis) >= 0) return true;
    return false;
bool IsOutside(Circle k1, Circle k2) {
    db dis = GetDisPointToPoint(k1.o, k2.o);
    if (Cmp(dis, k1.r + k2.r) > 0) return true;
    return false;

int main() {
    ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); cout.tie(nullptr);
    cout << fixed << setprecision(10);

    Point s, t;
    cin >> s.x >> s.y >> t.x >> t.y;
    int n; cin >> n;
    vector<Circle> c(n);
    for (auto &it : c) cin >> it.o.x >> it.o.y >> it.r;

    Point mid_point = (s + t) / 2.0;
    Vector dir = Rotate90(t - s) / GetLen(t - s);
    db dis_div2 = GetDisPointToPoint(s, mid_point);

    bool ans_flag = true;
    for (auto &it : c) {
        Circle cur = (Circle){mid_point, dis_div2};
        if (!IsInside(cur, it) && !IsOutside(cur, it)) {
            ans_flag = false;
    if (ans_flag) {
        cout << dis_div2 << endl;
        return 0;

    vector<pair<db, db>> record;
    for (auto &it : c) {
        bool dir_flag;
        if (Sgn((it.o - mid_point) * dir) > 0) dir_flag = true;
        else dir_flag = false;
        db inside_record, outside_record; Circle binary_search_cur;

        int binary_search_cnt = 0;
        db binary_search_left = -inf, binary_search_right = inf;
        while (Cmp(binary_search_left, binary_search_right) && binary_search_cnt++ < 100) {
            db binary_search_mid = (binary_search_left + binary_search_right) / 2.0;
            binary_search_cur.o = dir * binary_search_mid + mid_point;
            binary_search_cur.r = sqrt(binary_search_mid * binary_search_mid + dis_div2 * dis_div2);
            if (IsInside(binary_search_cur, it)) {
                inside_record = binary_search_mid;
                if (dir_flag) binary_search_right = binary_search_mid;
                else binary_search_left = binary_search_mid;
            else {
                if (dir_flag) binary_search_left = binary_search_mid;
                else binary_search_right = binary_search_mid;

        binary_search_cnt = 0;
        binary_search_left = -inf, binary_search_right = inf;
        while (Cmp(binary_search_left, binary_search_right) && binary_search_cnt++ < 100) {
            db binary_search_mid = (binary_search_left + binary_search_right) / 2.0;
            binary_search_cur.o = dir * binary_search_mid + mid_point;
            binary_search_cur.r = sqrt(binary_search_mid * binary_search_mid + dis_div2 * dis_div2);
            if (IsOutside(binary_search_cur, it)) {
                outside_record = binary_search_mid;
                if (dir_flag) binary_search_left = binary_search_mid;
                else binary_search_right = binary_search_mid;
            else {
                if (dir_flag) binary_search_right = binary_search_mid;
                else binary_search_left = binary_search_mid;

        if (Cmp(inside_record, outside_record) > 0) swap(inside_record, outside_record);
        record.push_back(make_pair(inside_record, outside_record));

    sort(record.begin(), record.end(), [&](pair<db, db> k1, pair<db, db> k2) {return Cmp(k1.first, k2.first) < 0;});
    db ans = Cmp(-record[0].first, 0.0) > 0 ? -record[0].first : 0.0;
    db fi = record[0].first, se = record[0].second;
    for (int i = 1; i < record.size(); ++i) {
        if (Cmp(se, record[i].first) < 0) {
            if (Cmp(ans, fabs(se)) > 0) ans = fabs(se);
            if (Cmp(ans, fabs(record[i].first)) > 0) ans = fabs(record[i].first);
            fi = record[i].first;
        if (Cmp(record[i].second, se) > 0) se = record[i].second;
    if (Cmp(ans, fabs(se)) > 0) ans = fabs(se);

    cout << sqrt(ans * ans + dis_div2 * dis_div2) << endl;
    return 0;