# 逆波兰法 https://www.cnblogs.com/lulipro/p/7450886.html priority = {'+': 0, '-': 0, '*': 1} # # 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可 # 返回表达式的值 # @param s string字符串 待计算的表达式 # @return int整型 # class Solution: def solve(self, s): # 中缀表达式转为后缀表达式 stack = [] l = [] tempnum = '' for i in s: if i <= '9' and i >= '0': tempnum += i continue else: if tempnum != '': l.append(tempnum) tempnum = '' if i == '(': stack.append(i) elif i == ')': temp = stack.pop() while temp != '(': l.append(temp) temp = stack.pop() else: if (not stack) or stack[-1] == '(' or (stack[-1] >= '0' and stack[-1] <= '9'): stack.append(i) else: if priority[stack[-1]] < priority[i]: stack.append(i) else: while stack and (stack[-1] in priority) and (priority[stack[-1]] >= priority[i]): l.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(i) if tempnum != '': l.append(tempnum) while stack: l.append(stack.pop()) print(l) # 逆波兰法求后缀表达式的值 for i in l: if i <= '9' and i >= '0': stack.append(i) else: num1 = int(stack.pop()) num2 = int(stack.pop()) temp = None if i == '*': temp = num2*num1 elif i == '-': temp = num2-num1 elif i == '+': temp = num2+num1 if temp: stack.append(temp) return int(stack.pop())