DH parameters

  1. find common normal of Zi and Zi+1 .

  2. place new X axis Xi+1 along this common normal.

  3. d is the depth from the origin of Zi to the common normal along the Zi+1 axis

  4. θ rotates about previous Z axis to align its X with the new origin

  5. a is the distance along the rotated X axis.

  6. α rotates about the new X axis to put Z in its desired orientation.

Special Case: two Z axes are parallel.
choose any convenient d .



d θ a α
3 θ1 0 π/2
0 - π/2 + θ2 5.75 0
0 θ3 + π/2 3.375 0
0 θ4 0 - π/2
4.125 θ5 0 0
function [ pos ] = arm_forward_kinematics( theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, g )
%The input to the function will be the joint
%    angles of the robot in radians, and the distance between the gripper pads in inches.
%    The output must contain 10 positions of various points along the robot arm as specified
%    in the question.
    % parameters
    a = 3;
    b = 5.75;
    c = 7.375;
    d = 4.125;
    e = 1.125;
    pos = zeros(10, 4);
    % transformation matrix A1
    A1 = compute_dh_matrix(0, -0.5*pi, a, theta1);

    % transformation matrix A2
    A2 = compute_dh_matrix(b, 0, 0, theta2-0.5*pi);
    % transformation matrix A4
    A3 = compute_dh_matrix(c, 0, 0, theta3+0.5*pi);
    % transformation matrix A4
    A4 = compute_dh_matrix(0, -0.5*pi, 0, theta4-0.5*pi);
    % transformation matrix A5
   %A5 = compute_dh_matrix(0, 0, d, theta5);
    pos(1,4) = 1;
    value = A1*([0,0,0,1]'); pos(2,:) = value; value = A1*A2*([0,0,0,1]');
    pos(3,:) = value;
    value = A1*A2*A3*([0,0,0,1]'); pos(4,:) = value; value = A1*A2*A3*A4*([0,0,0,1]');
    pos(5,:) = value;
    A = A1*A2*A3*A4;
    %temp = A*([c+d,0,a+b,1]'); temp = A * compute_dh_matrix(0,0,d-e,theta5); pos(6,:) = temp*[0,0,0,1]';
    temp = A* compute_dh_matrix(0.5*g, 0, d-e,theta5);
    pos(7,:) = temp*[0,0,0,1]'; temp = A* compute_dh_matrix(-0.5*g, 0, d-e,theta5); pos(8,:) = temp*[0,0,0,1]';
    temp = A* compute_dh_matrix(0.5*g, 0, d,theta5);
    pos(9,:) = temp*[0,0,0,1]'; temp = A* compute_dh_matrix(-0.5*g, 0, d,theta5); pos(10,:) = temp*[0,0,0,1]';
    pos = pos(:,1:3);

function A = compute_dh_matrix(a, alpha, d, theta)
%% standard DH parameters
ctheta = cos(theta);
stheta = sin(theta);
salpha = sin(alpha);
calpha = cos(alpha);
A = [ctheta, -stheta*calpha, stheta*salpha, a*ctheta;
    stheta, ctheta*calpha, -ctheta*salpha, a*stheta;
    0,salpha, calpha,d;


function A = compute_dh_matrix(a, alpha, d, theta)
%% standard DH parameters
ctheta = cos(theta);
stheta = sin(theta);
salpha = sin(alpha);
calpha = cos(alpha);
A = [ctheta,-stheta,0,a;
>> theta1 = 15/180*pi;
>> theta2=-40/180*pi;
>> theta3=-50/180*pi;
>> theta4=pi/6;
>> theta5=70/180*pi;
>> theta5=25/180*pi;
>> theta5=70/180*pi;
>> theta6=25/180*pi;
>> t1 = compute_dh_matrix(0,0,0,theta1);
>> t2=compute_dh_matrix(0,-pi/2,220,theta2);
>> t3=compute_dh_matrix(430,0,-90,theta3);
>> t4=compute_dh_matrix(0,-pi/2,430,theta4);
>> t5=compute_dh_matrix(0,pi/2,0,theta5);
>> t6=compute_dh_matrix(0,-pi/2,0,theta6);
>> t1*t2*t3*t4 % frame{4} 下的原点在frame{0}下的坐标[699.88,322.12,276.40]

ans =

    0.1294    0.2241    0.9659  699.8767
   -0.4830   -0.8365    0.2588  322.1173
    0.8660   -0.5000   -0.0000  276.3987
         0         0         0    1.0000

>> t1*t2*t3*t4*t5*t6

ans =

    0.9575   -0.1992    0.2088  699.8767
   -0.2828   -0.7911    0.5424  322.1173
    0.0571   -0.5783   -0.8138  276.3987
         0         0         0    1.0000