• 闭环的入口 方法一
    1. 判断链表是否有环
  • 思想:可以设置快慢指针,快指针一次走两步,慢指针一次走一步,如果快指针追上了走的慢的指针,那么链表有环;
  • 如果走到了链表尾部都没有追上,说明链表无环;
    1. 如果有环,返回入口节点
  • 思想:返回的节点一定在环内,如果计算出环中节点的个数count,快指针比慢指针多走count步,那么两个指针相遇时,
  • 就是环的入口节点。
  • 步骤:
  • 第一步:慢指针走一步,快指针走两步,计算单链是否有环?
  • 第二步:如果没有环,则输出为空;如果有环,则计算环的个数n;
  • 第三步:前指针向后移动n位, 再查找前指针与后指针是否相等,若相等,则位入口节点,反之。
  • 闭环的入口 方法二
  • a、第一步,找环中相汇点。分别用fast,slow指向链表头部,slow每次走一步,fast每次走二步,
  • 直到fast==slow找到在环中的相汇点。
  • b、第二步,找环的入口。接上步,当fast==slow时,fast所经过节点数为2x,slow所经过节点数为x,
  • 设环中有n个节点,fast比slow多走r圈有2x=rn+x; x=rn;(r为圈数,n为一圈的结点数)
  • 可以看出slow实际走了多个环的步数,再让fast指向链表头部,slow位置不变。
  • 假设链表开头到环接口的距离是y,那么x-y表示slow指针走过的除链表开头y在环中走过的距离,
  • 那么slow再走y步,此时fast结点与slow结点相遇,fast == slow ,x-y+y=x = rn,即此时slow指向环的入口。
  • closedLoopList.h
    #include <iostream>

struct ListNode {
int data;
struct ListNode * next;
ListNode(int x) : data(x), next(nullptr) {}

class BaseList {
virtual ~BaseList() = default;
virtual ListNode *CreateClosedList() = 0;
virtual ListNode *ClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) = 0;
virtual int counterClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) = 0;
virtual void ShowClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) const = 0;


class CompleteList : public BaseList {
virtual ~CompleteList() = default;
ListNode *CreateClosedList() override;
ListNode *ClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) override;
int counterClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) override;
void ShowClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) const override;

class BaseClosedLoopList {
virtual ~BaseClosedLoopList() = default;
virtual ListNode *EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) = 0;


class CompleteClosedLoopListFirst : public BaseClosedLoopList {
virtual ~CompleteClosedLoopListFirst() = default;
ListNode *EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) override;

class CompleteClosedLoopListSecond : public BaseClosedLoopList {
virtual ~CompleteClosedLoopListSecond() = default;
ListNode *EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) override;

// 反转链表的模板
template <typename listtemplate="">
class CompleteClosedLoopListTemp {
~CompleteClosedLoopListTemp() {}
ListNode *EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) {
ListTemplate listTemplate;

* closedLoopList.cpp

#include "closedLoopList.h"
#include <vector>

// 尾结点插入法创建链表
ListNode * CompleteList::CreateClosedList()
    int num = 1;
    //unique_ptr<ListNode> pHead = make_unique<ListNode> (num);
    ListNode *pHead = new ListNode(num);
    ListNode *p = pHead;

    for(int i = 2; i < 10; i++) {
        ListNode *q = new ListNode(i);
        p->next = q; //p节点插入listNode节点
        p = p->next; // 向后移位

    p->next = pHead;
    return pHead;

* 是否为循环链表?
* 思路:选2个节点,分别为慢节点和快节点,慢节点走一步,而快节点走两步,如果快节点能够追上慢节点,则此链表是闭环链表;
*       如果快节点不能追上慢节点,则此链表是开环链表。
ListNode *CompleteList::ClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead)
    if (pHead == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;

    ListNode * pSlowNode = pHead->next;
    if (pSlowNode == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;

    ListNode * pFastNode = pSlowNode->next;
    while (pSlowNode != nullptr && pFastNode != nullptr) {
        if (pSlowNode == pFastNode) {
            return pFastNode;

        pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
        pFastNode = pFastNode->next;
        if (pFastNode->next != nullptr) {
            pFastNode = pFastNode->next;
    return nullptr;

* 环链表的个数
* 思想:头节点与下一个节点进行比较,若不相等,则个数自加,且向下移位;若相等,则输出环链表的个数。
* 步骤: 
* 第一步:会面节点指向头节点,且链表个数为1;
* 步骤二: 当头节点的下一个节点不等于会面节点,则个数自加且头节点向下移位;
* 第三步:输出链表的个数
int CompleteList::counterClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead)
    if (pHead == nullptr) {
        return 0;

    ListNode *pMeetNode = pHead;
    int count = 1;
    while (pHead->next != pMeetNode) {
        pHead = pHead->next;
    return count;

void CompleteList::ShowClosedLoopList(ListNode *pListNode) const
    ListNode *pHeadNode = pListNode;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        std::cout<<" "<<pHeadNode->data;
        pHeadNode = pHeadNode->next;
    std::cout << std::endl;

* 闭环的入口 方法一
* 1. 判断链表是否有环
* 思想:可以设置快慢指针,快指针一次走两步,慢指针一次走一步,如果快指针追上了走的慢的指针,那么链表有环;
*       如果走到了链表尾部都没有追上,说明链表无环;
* 2. 如果有环,返回入口节点
* 思想:返回的节点一定在环内,如果计算出环中节点的个数count,快指针比慢指针多走count步,那么两个指针相遇时,
*       就是环的入口节点。
* 步骤:
* 第一步:慢指针走一步,快指针走两步,计算单链是否有环?
* 第二步:如果没有环,则输出为空;如果有环,则计算环的个数n;
* 第三步:前指针向后移动n位, 再查找前指针与后指针是否相等,若相等,则位入口节点,反之。
ListNode *CompleteClosedLoopListFirst::EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) 
    if (pHead == nullptr || pHead->next == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;

    CompleteList completeList;
    ListNode *pMeetNode = completeList.ClosedLoopList(pHead);
    if (pMeetNode == nullptr) {
        std::cout<<"the closed pHeadNode Node is null"<<std::endl;
        return nullptr;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the closed pHeadNode Node is "<<pMeetNode->data<<std::endl;
    int nums = completeList.counterClosedLoopList(pMeetNode);
    if (nums == 0) {
        std::cout<<"the nums of closed pHeadNode is zero"<<std::endl;
        return nullptr;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the nums of closed pHeadNode is "<<nums<<std::endl;

    ListNode *pFastNode = pHead;
    ListNode *pSlowNode = pHead;
    for (int i = 0; i < nums; i++) {
        pFastNode = pFastNode->next;

    while (pFastNode != pSlowNode) {
        pFastNode = pFastNode->next;
        pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
    return pFastNode;

* 闭环的入口 方法二
* a、第一步,找环中相汇点。分别用fast,slow指向链表头部,slow每次走一步,fast每次走二步,
*    直到fast==slow找到在环中的相汇点。
* b、第二步,找环的入口。接上步,当fast==slow时,fast所经过节点数为2x,slow所经过节点数为x,
*    设环中有n个节点,fast比slow多走r圈有2x=rn+x; x=rn;(r为圈数,n为一圈的结点数)
* 可以看出slow实际走了多个环的步数,再让fast指向链表头部,slow位置不变。
* 假设链表开头到环接口的距离是y,那么x-y表示slow指针走过的除链表开头y在环中走过的距离,
* 那么slow再走y步,此时fast结点与slow结点相遇,fast == slow ,x-y+y=x = rn,即此时slow指向环的入口。
ListNode *CompleteClosedLoopListSecond::EntryClosedLoopList(ListNode *pHead) 
    if (pHead == nullptr || pHead->next == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;
    ListNode *pSlowNode = pHead;
    ListNode *pFastNode = pHead;
    while (pSlowNode != nullptr && pFastNode->next != nullptr) {
        pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
        pFastNode = pFastNode->next->next;
        if (pSlowNode == pFastNode) {
            pFastNode = pHead;
            while (pSlowNode != pFastNode) {
                pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
                pFastNode = pFastNode->next;
            return pFastNode;
    ListNode *pSlowNode = pHead->next;
    ListNode *pFastNode = pSlowNode->next;
    while (pSlowNode != nullptr && pFastNode != nullptr) {
        pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
        pFastNode = pFastNode->next->next;
        // 当快指针 与 慢指针相遇时
        if (pSlowNode == pFastNode) { 
            pFastNode = pHead; 
            // 当快指针 与 慢指针相遇时
            while (pSlowNode != pFastNode) {
                pSlowNode = pSlowNode->next;
                pFastNode = pFastNode->next;
            return pFastNode;
    return nullptr;

int main()
    CompleteList completeList;
    std::vector<ListNode *> pCompleteNode;
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        ListNode *completeNodeTemp = completeList.CreateClosedList();
    std::cout<<"CreateList1: "<<std::endl;

    CompleteClosedLoopListTemp<CompleteClosedLoopListFirst> completeClosedLoopListFirst;
    ListNode *pEntryNode1 = completeClosedLoopListFirst.EntryClosedLoopList(pCompleteNode[0]);
    if (pEntryNode1 == nullptr) {
        std::cout<<"the first entry node of closed pHeadNode is null"<<std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the first entry node of closed pHeadNode is "<<pEntryNode1->data<<std::endl;

    int num1 = 2;
    ListNode *pNewNode1  = new ListNode(num1);
    pNewNode1->next = nullptr;
    ListNode *pEntryNode1_2 = completeClosedLoopListFirst.EntryClosedLoopList(pNewNode1);
    if (pEntryNode1_2 == nullptr) {
        std::cout<<"the first entry node of closed pHeadNode is null"<<std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the first entry node of closed pHeadNode is "<<pEntryNode1_2->data<<std::endl;

    CompleteClosedLoopListTemp<CompleteClosedLoopListSecond> completeClosedLoopListSecond;
    ListNode *pEntryNode2 = completeClosedLoopListSecond.EntryClosedLoopList(pCompleteNode[1]);
    if (pEntryNode2 == nullptr) {
        std::cout<<"the second entry node of closed pHeadNode is null"<<std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the second entry node of closed pHeadNode is "<<pEntryNode2->data<<std::endl;

    int num2 = 3;
    ListNode *pNewNode2  = new ListNode(num2);
    pNewNode2->next = nullptr;
    ListNode *pEntryNode2_2 = completeClosedLoopListSecond.EntryClosedLoopList(pNewNode2);
    if (pEntryNode2_2 == nullptr) {
        std::cout<<"the second entry node of closed pHeadNode is null"<<std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout<<"the second entry node of closed pHeadNode is "<<pEntryNode1_2->data<<std::endl;
    return 1;  