- 找到那天所有发送的邮件总数 sum 表一
- 找到那天所有发送失败的邮件总数 fal 表二
- sum/fal 就是发送失败的概率,所以我们要把两张表连接起来
找到那天所有发送的邮件总数 sum 表一
select date,count(*) as su from email where receive_id!=2 and send_id!=2 group by date
找到那天所有发送失败的邮件总数 fal 表二
select date,count(*) as fa from email where receive_id!=2 and send_id!=2 and type='no_completed' group by date
用内连接将两张表连接起来, 概率:round(b.fa/a.su,3) p
select a.date ,round(b.fa/a.su,3) p from (select date,count(*) as su from email where receive_id!=2 and send_id!=2 group by date) a , (select date,count(*) as fa from email where receive_id!=2 and send_id!=2 and type='no_completed' group by date) b where a.date=b.date;