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工程师想安安静静的搬会儿砖?不可能的,总有这样那样的分心事儿。最近又冒出来一个梗,叫做10倍工程师(10x engineer)。查询了一下,发现这个梗来自印度班加罗尔一个叫做Shekhar Kirani的投资人。
Shekhar Kirani在推特上说创业者要找到能以一扛十的工程师,即10倍工程师,这样创业成功的概率会大大提高,然后这哥们还列出了10倍工程师的特点,原文如下:
10x engineers hate meetings. They think it is a waste of time and obvious things are being discussed. They attend meetings because the manager has called for a "Staff meeting" to discuss the features and status.
Timings in the office for 10x engineers is highly irregular. They tend to work when very few folks are around. If there is a crowd or all-hands meeting, they are not visible. Most of them are late-night coders and come late to the office.
10x engineers laptop screen background color is typically black (they always change defaults). Their keyboard keys such as i, f, x are usually worn out than of a, s, and e (email senders).
10x engineers know every line of the code that has gone into production. If a QA or support folks alert an issue, they know precisely where the fault (or bug) is and can fix the same in hours vs days
Most of the 10x engineers are full-stack engineers. For them code is code, they don't care whether it is front-end, back-end, API, database, serverless, etc. I have rarely seen them doing UI work.
10x engineers can convert "thought" into "code" in their mind and write it in an iterative fashion. Given a product feature, they can write that entire feature in one or two sittings of 4 to 6 hours with a caffeinated drink without distraction.
10x engineers rarely look at help documentation of classes or methods. They know it in memory and can recall from memory. They write code at the same ease as writing English. No breaks, no pauce, just type.
10x engineers are always learning new frameworks, languages ahead of everyone in the company. They are not afraid of anything new. If there is something new (e.g. blockchain) they gobble up, setup, experiment before anyone is getting started.
10x engineers are poor mentors as they can't teach others on what to do OR parcel the work. They always think "It takes too long to teach or discuss with others, I would rather do it myself." They are also poor interviewers.
10x engineers don't hack things. They write quality code and know exactly how the code has to evolve, and have a mental model of overall code structure. They write at most one design document, and the rest is in the code.
10x engineers rarely job hunt or move out of the company. They move out because you make their life miserable with the process, meetings, training, and other non-value-added activities. If you come across them, hold on to them. Celebrate them.
Searches Google when they're not sure what's up.
Spends time on things outside of engineering, like hobbies, friends, and family.
Writes code that &emdash; gasp &emdash; has bugs.
Writes code that others can read.
Is a team player that goes to the same meetings their co-workers are required to go to.
Reads the Docs.
Updates the Docs.
Pushes to production on a Friday.
Doesn't need to be passionate about the code they write or the problems they solve, but may be.
Are willing and able to collaborate with others.
Willing to admit when they're wrong, and aren't afraid to say "I don't know."
Will help up-level others.
Copy/pastes code snippets from StackOverflow.
Asks questions.
Can be thankful for others' time, effort, and energy.
Appreciates code reviews from their peers that are constructive and helpful.
Provides code reviews to their peers that are constructive, helpful and presented tactfully, helping their peers to grow personally and professionally.
Is open to learning.
Asks for help when they need it.
Supports code in production, even if they did not write it.
Can feel like an impostor at times.
Makes sure discussions are always productive and everyone gets to have their say before the team makes a decision. Only disregards opinions by providing arguments.
Can be a slow coder.
Doesn't take themselves too seriously.
Isn't defined by myopic Tweetstorms by clueless VCs.
不管是10倍工程师还是1倍工程师,在团队层面,每一个工程师都很重要。虽然10倍工程师的光芒会更强一些,但却是凤毛麟角,正如Shekhar Kirani所说,碰到了就赶紧把握住。