根据特征阈值划分数据集(Feature Thresholding)是一种常用的数据处理方法,用于将数据集分为两部分,一部分满足特征阈值,另一部分不满足特征阈值。
def divide_on_feature(X, feature_i, threshold):
# Define the split function based on the threshold type
split_func = None
if isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(threshold, float):
# For numeric threshold, check if feature value is greater than or equal to the threshold
split_func = lambda sample: sample[feature_i] >= threshold
# For non-numeric threshold, check if feature value is equal to the threshold
split_func = lambda sample: sample[feature_i] == threshold
# Create two subsets based on the split function
X_1 = np.array([sample for sample in X if split_func(sample)])
X_2 = np.array([sample for sample in X if not split_func(sample)])
# Return the two subsets
return [X_1, X_2]