SELECT period, count(distinct order_id) as "get_car_num", round(sum(wait_time)/60/count(distinct order_id),1) as "avg_wait_time", round(sum(dispatch_time)/60/count(distinct case when 乘客上车时间 is not null then order_id end),1) as "avg_dispatch_time" from ( select df2.order_id, df1.event_time as "叫车时间", df1.end_time as "等待结束时间", df2.start_time as "乘客上车时间", df2.finish_time as "订单完成时间", weekday(df1.event_time) as "周几", TIMESTAMPDIFF(second,df1.event_time,df1.end_time) as "wait_time", TIMESTAMPDIFF(second,case when df2.start_time is not null then df1.end_time end,case when df2.start_time is not null then df2.start_time end) as "dispatch_time", case when date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') >= '07:00:00' and date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') < '09:00:00' then '早高峰' when date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') >= '09:00:00' and date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') < '17:00:00' then '工作时间' when date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') >= '17:00:00' and date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') < '20:00:00' then '晚高峰' when date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') >= '20:00:00' or date_format(df1.event_time,'%H:%i:%s') < '07:00:00' then '休息时间' end as "period" from tb_get_car_record as df1 left join tb_get_car_order as df2 on df1.order_id = df2.order_id where date_format(df1.event_time,'%W') not in('Saturday','Sunday') ) as t group by period order by get_car_num ASC,period desc