Proactive Human-Machine Conversation with Explicit Conversation Goals
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Research Objective作者的研究目标。
To facilitate the development of such conversation systems, we create a new dataset named DuConv where one acts as a conversa- tion leader and the other acts as the follower.

Problem Statement问题陈述,需要解决的问题是什么?
it usually converses passively and utters words more as a matter of response, rather than on its own initiatives.

Proactive conversation
Knowledge Grounded conversation
Knowledge Crawling
Knowledge Graph Construction
Retrieval-based model
Retrieval model
Generation-based model
Generation model

Conclusion作者给了哪些结论,哪些是strong conclusions, 哪些又是weak的conclusions?

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Proactive Conversation:
we proposed to actively lead the conversation by planning over a knowledge graph with an explicit goal.
Knowledge-Grounded Conversation