• 二叉搜索树按照中序遍历可以得到有序的链表(递归)
  • 左子树图片说明 根节点图片说明右子树
    class Solution:
      def Convert(self, pRootOfTree):
          # write code here
          if not pRootOfTree:
              return None
          if not pRootOfTree.left and not pRootOfTree.right:
              return pRootOfTree
          left = self.Convert(pRootOfTree.left)
          cur = left
          while left and cur.right:
              cur = cur.right
          if left:
              cur.right = pRootOfTree
              pRootOfTree.left = cur
          right = self.Convert(pRootOfTree.right)
          if right:
              right.left = pRootOfTree
              pRootOfTree.right = right
          return left if left else pRootOfTree