- bash shell提供了for命令,允许你创建一个遍历一系列值的循环。每次迭代都使用其中的一个值来执行已定义好的一组命令,for命令的基本格式如下所示:
for var in list do 命令... done
- 在list参数中,需要提供迭代需要的一系列值。可以通过几种不同的方法指定列表中的值。
- do和done语句中之间输入的命令可以是一条或者多条标准的bash shell命令。
- 也可以将do语句和for语句放在同一行,但是必须用分号将其同列表中的值分开:for var in list; do
1.1 读取列表中的值
- for命令最基本的用法就是遍历for命令自身定义的一系列值,如下例所示:
for li in A B C D E F G do echo The next state is $li done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana.sh The next state is A The next state is B The next state is C The next state is D The next state is E The next state is F The next state is G ```
1.2 读取列表中的复杂值
#!/bin/bash for var in I don't know if this'll work do echo "word:$var" done # 结果 word:I word:dont know if thisll word:work
#!/bin/bash for var in I don\'t know if "this'll" work do echo "word:$var" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana1.sh word:I word:don't word:know word:if word:this'll word:work
for var in New York New Mexico North Carolina do echo "Now going to $var" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana2.sh Now going to New Now going to York Now going to New Now going to Mexico Now going to North Now going to Carolina ```
- for命令用空格来划分列表中的每个值,如果在单独的数据值中有空格,就必须使用双引号将这些值圈起来,在某个值两边使用双引号时,shell并不会将双引号当成值的一部分。如下例所示:
for var in "New York" "New Mexico" "North Carolina" do echo "Now going to $var" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana2.sh Now going to New York Now going to New Mexico Now going to North Carolina ```
1.3 从变量读取列表list
#!/bin/bash list="Red Green Blue" list=$list" Blank" # 使用赋值语句向$list变量包含的已有列表中添加一个值Blank,这是向变量中存储的已有文本字符串尾部添加文本的常用方法 for var in $list do echo "The current color is $var" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana3.sh The current color is Red The current color is Green The current color is Blue The current color is Blank
1.4 从命令读取值
#!/bin/bash file="color"
for c in $(cat $file) do echo "beautiful color:$c" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana4.sh beautiful color:Red beautiful color:Green beautiful color:Bule beautiful color:Pink ```
- 上述情况中每种颜色都在单独的一行,而不是通过空格分隔的。但是,这并没有解决数据中用空格的情况。
1.5 更改字段分隔符
造成for命令中以空格为分隔符的原因是特殊的环境变量IFS(内部字段分隔符),IFS环境变量定义了bash shell用作字符分隔符的一些列字符。默认情况下,bash shell会将下面的字符当成字段分隔符:
- 空格
- 制表符
- 换行符
如果bash shell在数据中看到了这些字符中的任意一个,它就会假定这表明了列表中一个新数据字段的开始。这会导致在处理含有空格的数据时,显得十分麻烦。解决方法:可以在shell脚本中临时更改IFS环境变量的值来限制被bash shell当作字段分隔符的字符,如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash file="color" IFS=$'\n' # 告诉bash shell在数据值中忽略空格和制表符,仅识别换行符! for c in $(cat $file) do echo "beautiful color:$c" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana4.sh beautiful color:Red beautiful color:Green beautiful color:Bule beautiful color:Pink beautiful color:Deep Purple
IFS.OLD=$IFS IFS=$'\n' <在代码中使用新的IFS值> IFS=$IFS.OLD
1.6 用通配符读取目录
#!/bin/bash for file in /home/njust/tutorials/* do if [ -d "$file" ] # 在linux中文件名或目录名中包含空格是合法的,要解决这个问题可以将$file变量用双引号圈起来。如果不这样的话遇到含空格的目录名或文件名时会报错! then echo "$file is a directory" elif [ -f "$file" ] then echo "$file is a file" fi done
# 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana5.sh /home/njust/tutorials/case.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/color is a file /home/njust/tutorials/curry.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana1.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana2.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana3.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana4.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana5.sh is a file /home/njust/tutorials/dana.sh is a file ```
#!/bin/bash for file in /home/njust/.b* /home/njust/tutorials do if [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory" elif [ -f "$file" ] then echo "$file is a file" else echo "$file doesn't exist" fi done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana6.sh /home/njust/.bash_history is a file /home/njust/.bash_logout is a file /home/njust/.bash_profile is a file /home/njust/.bashrc is a file /home/njust/tutorials is a directory
- bash shell也支持一种for循环,它看起来与C语言风格的for循环类似,但有一些细微的不同。bash中C语言风格的for循环基本格式如下:
for (( 变量初始化; 条件; 变量迭代变化 ))
- 注意:有些部分并没有遵循bash shell标准的for命令:
- 变量赋值可以有空格;
- 条件中的变量不以美元符开头;
- 迭代过程的算式未使用expr命令格式;
- 以下是在bash shell程序中使用C语言风格的for命令:
for (( i = 1; i <= 10; i++ )) do echo "The next number is $i" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana7.sh The next number is 1 The next number is 2 The next number is 3 The next number is 4 The next number is 5 The next number is 6 The next number is 7 The next number is 8 The next number is 9 The next number is 10 ```
2.1 使用多个变量
- C语言风格的for命令也允许为迭代使用多个变量。循环会单独处理每个变量,可以为每个变量定义不同的迭代过程,尽管可以使用多个变量,但只能在for循环中定义一种条件。
# mutiple variables for (( a = 1, b = 10; a <= 10; a++, b-- )) do echo "$a - $b" done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana8.sh 1 - 10 2 - 9 3 - 8 4 - 7 5 - 6 6 - 5 7 - 4 8 - 3 9 - 2 10 - 1 ```
- while命令允许定义一个要测试的命令,然后循环执行一组命令,只要定义的测试命令返回的是退出状态码0,它会在每次迭代的一开始测试test命令。在test命令返回非零退出状态码时,while命令会停止执行那组命令。
3.1 while的基本格式
while test 命令 do 命令 done
while命令的关键点:所指定的test 命令的退出状态码必须随着循环中运行的命令而改变。如果退出状态码不发生改变,while循环就会一直不停地执行下去。最常见的test 命令的用法是用方括号检查循环命令中用到的shell变量的值,如下所示:
#!/bin/bash var1=10 while [ $var1 -gt 0 ] do echo $var1 var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana9.sh 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3.2 使用多个测试命令
#!/bin/bash var=10 while echo $var [ $var -ge 0 ] do echo "This is inside in the loop" var=$[ $var - 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana10.sh 10 This is inside in the loop 9 This is inside in the loop 8 This is inside in the loop 7 This is inside in the loop 6 This is inside in the loop 5 This is inside in the loop 4 This is inside in the loop 3 This is inside in the loop 2 This is inside in the loop 1 This is inside in the loop 0 This is inside in the loop -1
- until命令与while命令工作方式相反,until命令要求你指定一个通常返回非零状态码的测试命令。只有测试命令的退出状态码非零,bash shell才会执行循环中列出的命令。一旦测试命令返回退出状态码0,循环就结束了。until命令的基本格式如下所示:
until test 命令 do 命令 done
- 可以在until命令语句中放入多个测试命令,只有最后一个命令的退出状态码决定了了bash shell是否执行已定义的命令。如下例所示:
var=100 until [ $var -eq 0 ] do echo $var var=$[ $var - 25 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana11.sh 100 75 50 25 ```
- 与while命令相似,until命令在使用多个测试命令时要注意。shell会执行指定的多个测试命令,只有在最后一个命令成立时才会停止。如下例所示:
var=100 until echo $var [ $var -eq 0 ] do echo "Inside the loop: $var" var=$[ $var - 25 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana12.sh 100 Inside the loop: 100 75 Inside the loop: 75 50 Inside the loop: 50 25 Inside the loop: 25 0 ```
#!/bin/bash for (( a = 1; a <= 3; a++ )) do echo "Starting loop $a:" for (( b = 1; b <= 3; b++ )) do echo " Inside loop:$b" done done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana13.sh Starting loop 1: Inside loop:1 Inside loop:2 Inside loop:3 Starting loop 2: Inside loop:1 Inside loop:2 Inside loop:3 Starting loop 3: Inside loop:1 Inside loop:2 Inside loop:3
var1=5 while [ $var1 -ge 0 ] do echo "Outer loop: $var1" for (( var2 = 1; $var2 < 3; var2++ )) do var3=$[ $var1 * $var2 ] echo " Inner loop: $var1 * $var2 = $var3" done var1=$[ $var1 - 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana14.sh Outer loop: 5 Inner loop: 5 * 1 = 5 Inner loop: 5 * 2 = 10 Outer loop: 4 Inner loop: 4 * 1 = 4 Inner loop: 4 * 2 = 8 Outer loop: 3 Inner loop: 3 * 1 = 3 Inner loop: 3 * 2 = 6 Outer loop: 2 Inner loop: 2 * 1 = 2 Inner loop: 2 * 2 = 4 Outer loop: 1 Inner loop: 1 * 1 = 1 Inner loop: 1 * 2 = 2 Outer loop: 0 Inner loop: 0 * 1 = 0 Inner loop: 0 * 2 = 0 ```
- 使用嵌套循环;
- 修改IFS环境变量;
#!/bin/bash IFS.OLD=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for var in $( cat /etc/passwd ) do echo "Values in $var -" IFS=: for v in $var do echo " $v" done done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana15.sh Values in root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash - root x 0 0 root /root /bin/bash
7.1 break命令
#!/bin/bash for var in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do if [ $var -eq 5 ] then break fi echo "Current number: $var" done echo "The for loop is completed" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana16.sh Current number: 1 Current number: 2 Current number: 3 Current number: 4 The for loop is completed
var=1 while [ $var -lt 10 ] do if [ $var -eq 5 ] then break fi echo "Iteration: $var" var=$[ $var + 1 ] done echo "The while loop is completed" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana17.sh Iteration: 1 Iteration: 2 Iteration: 3 Iteration: 4 The while loop is completed ```
- 跳出内部循环:在处理多个循环时,break命令会自动终止你所在的最内层的循环。
for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ )) do echo "Outer loop:$a" for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++ )) do if [ $b -eq 5 ] then break fi echo " Inner loop:$b" done done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana18.sh Outer loop:1 Inner loop:1 Inner loop:2 Inner loop:3 Inner loop:4 Outer loop:2 Inner loop:1 Inner loop:2 Inner loop:3 Inner loop:4 Outer loop:3 Inner loop:1 Inner loop:2 Inner loop:3 Inner loop:4 ```
跳出外部循环:有时候你在内部循环,但需要停止外部循环。break命令接收单个命令行参数值:break n。n指定了要跳出的循环层级,默认情况下,n等于1,表示跳出的是当前的循环。如果n设置为2,break命令会停止下一级的外部循环。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash for (( a = 1; a < 4; a++ )) do echo "Outer loop:$a" for (( b = 1; b < 100; b++ )) do if [ $b -gt 4 ] then break 2 fi echo " Inner loop:$b" done done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana19.sh Outer loop:1 Inner loop:1 Inner loop:2 Inner loop:3 Inner loop:4
7.2 continue命令
#!/bin/bash for (( a = 1; a < 15; a++ )) do if [ $a -gt 5 ] && [ $a -lt 10 ] then continue fi echo "Iteration number: $a" done # 结果 Iteration number: 1 Iteration number: 2 Iteration number: 3 Iteration number: 4 Iteration number: 5 Iteration number: 10 Iteration number: 11 Iteration number: 12 Iteration number: 13 Iteration number: 14
#!/bin/bash var1=0 while echo "while iteration: $var1" [ $var1 -lt 15 ] do if [ $var1 -gt 5 ] && [ $var1 -lt 10 ] then continue # 当shell执行continue命令时,它跳过了while循环中余下的命令。 fi echo " Inside iteration number:$var1" var1=$[ $var1 + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana21.sh while iteration: 0 Inside iteration number:0 while iteration: 1 Inside iteration number:1 while iteration: 2 Inside iteration number:2 while iteration: 3 Inside iteration number:3 while iteration: 4 Inside iteration number:4 while iteration: 5 Inside iteration number:5 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6 while iteration: 6
和break命令类似,continue命令也允许通过命令行参数指定要继续执行哪一级循环:continue n。其中n定义了要继续的循环层级,如下例所示:
for (( a = 1; a <= 5; a++ )) do echo "Iteration: $a" for (( b = 1; b < 3; b++ )) do if [ $a -gt 2 ] && [ $a -lt 4 ] then continue 2 fi var=$[ $a * $b ] echo " The result of $a * $b is $var" done done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana22.sh Iteration: 1 The result of 1 * 1 is 1 The result of 1 * 2 is 2 Iteration: 2 The result of 2 * 1 is 2 The result of 2 * 2 is 4 Iteration: 3 Iteration: 4 The result of 4 * 1 is 4 The result of 4 * 2 is 8 Iteration: 5 The result of 5 * 1 is 5 The result of 5 * 2 is 10 ```
- 在shell脚本中,可以对循环的输出使用管道或进行重定向。可以通过在done命令后添加一个处理命令来实现。如下例所示:
for file in /home/njust/* do if [ -d "$file" ] then echo "$file is a directory" else echo "$file is a file" fi done > output.txt # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ cat output.txt /home/njust/sentinel is a file /home/njust/tutorials is a directory /home/njust/公共 is a directory /home/njust/模板 is a directory /home/njust/视频 is a directory /home/njust/图片 is a directory /home/njust/文档 is a directory /home/njust/下载 is a directory /home/njust/音乐 is a directory /home/njust/桌面 is a directory ```
#!/bin/bash for state in "North Dakota" Pink Blue Green Red do echo "$state is the next place to go" done | sort echo "This completes our travels"
# 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./dana24.sh Blue is the next place to go Green is the next place to go North Dakota is the next place to go Pink is the next place to go Red is the next place to go This completes our travels ```
- 查找可执行文件
IFS=: for folder in $PATH do echo "$folder" for file in $folder/* do if [ -x $file ] then echo " $file" fi done done # 结果 /sbin/vgextend /sbin/vgimport /sbin/vgimportclone /sbin/vgmerge /sbin/vgmknodes /sbin/vgreduce /sbin/vgremove /sbin/vgrename /sbin/vgs /sbin/vgscan /sbin/vgsplit /sbin/vigr ```
- 创建多个用户账户
input="users.txt" # users.txt文件需提前创建,文件内容为:userid,username while IFS=',' read -r userid name do echo "adding $userid" useradd -c "$name" -m $userid done < "$input" # 结果,必须用root用户才能运行此脚本,因为useradd命令需要root权限! [root@njust tutorials]# ./dana26.sh adding C001 adding D002 adding H003 adding J004 # 验证 [root@njust tutorials]# tail /etc/passwd postfix:x:89:89::/var/spool/postfix:/sbin/nologin ntp:x:38:38::/etc/ntp:/sbin/nologin tcpdump:x:72:72::/:/sbin/nologin njust:x:1000:1000:njust:/home/njust:/bin/bash shenchao:x:1001:1001::/home/shenchao:/bin/bash userid:x:1002:1003:name:/home/userid:/bin/bash C001:x:1003:1004:curry:/home/C001:/bin/bash D002:x:1004:1005:durant:/home/D002:/bin/bash H003:x:1005:1006:harden:/home/H003:/bin/bash J004:x:1006:1007:james:/home/J004:/bin/bash ```