
/* * 有向图最小树形图 * INIT: eg置为边表;res置为0;cp[i]置为i; * CALL: dirTree(root, nv, ne); res是结果 */

#define typec int // type of res
const typec V = 1010;
const typec E = 10010;
const typec inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;   // max of res

typec res, dis[V];
int to[V], cp[V], tag[V];

struct Edge
    int u, v;
    typec c;
} eg[E];

int iroot(int i)
    if (cp[i] == i)
        return i;
    return cp[i] = iroot(cp[i]);

int dirTree(int root, int nv, int ne)   // root:树根
    // vertex:0~n-1
    int i, j, k, circle = 0;
    memset(tag, -1, sizeof(tag));
    memset(to, -1, sizeof(to));
    for (i = 0; i < nv; i++)
        dis[i] = inf;
    for (j = 0; j < ne; j++)
        i = iroot(eg[j].u);
        k = iroot(eg[j].v);
        if (k != i && dis[k] > eg[j].c)
            dis[k] = eg[j].c;
            to[k] = i;
    to[root] = -1;
    dis[root] = 0;
    tag[root] = root;
    for (i = 0; i < nv; i++)
        if (cp[i] == i && -1 == tag[i])
            j = i;
            for (; j != -1 && tag[j] == -1; j = to[j])
                tag[j] = i;
                if (j == -1)
                    return 0;
                if (tag[j] == i)
                    circle = 1;
                    tag[j] = -2;
                    for (k = to[j]; k != j; k = to[k])
                        tag[k] = -2;
    if (circle)
        for (j = 0; j < ne; j++)
            i = iroot(eg[j].u);
            k = iroot(eg[j].v);
            if (k != i && tag[k] == -2)
                eg[j].c -= dis[k];
        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++)
            if (tag[i] == -2)
                res += dis[i];
                tag[i] = 0;
                for (j = to[i]; j != i; j = to[j])
                    res += dis[j];
                    cp[j] = i;
                    tag[j] = 0;
        if (0 == dirTree(root, nv, ne))
            return 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++)
            if (cp[i] == i)
                res += dis[i];
    return 1;   // 若返回0代表原图不连通