12-15 牛客挑战赛46 E.反演 11-06 牛客练习赛62 D.brz的函数 06-08 【每日一题】Steps to One (容斥+错位相减) 05-06 出题人的手环(牛客练习赛38D 离散化+树状数组) 05-06 洛谷P2699小浩的幂次运算 05-06 洛谷P2251 【质量检测】 05-06 洛谷 P1032 【字串变换】 05-06 洛谷P1494 【[国家集训队]小Z的袜子】 05-06 洛谷P1972 【[SDOI2009]HH的项链】 05-06 线段树模板(hdu1166) 05-06 最小生成树入门(克鲁斯卡尔+普利姆 hdu1233) 05-06 最短路模板(SPFA POJ2387) 05-06 KMP模板(HDU1711) 05-06 合肥学院第二届卓越IT-程序设计大赛E+J 05-06 匈牙利算法模板(求最大匹配数) 05-06 牛客寒假训练营3 B 处女座的比赛资格(拓扑排序+最短路) 05-06 EcustOJ P109跳一跳(离散化+dp) 05-06 牛客寒假算法基础集训营4 G(最小生成树) 05-06 Codeforces Round #540 (Div. 3) 05-06 CF 1060E. Sergey and Subway 05-06 Codeforces Round #494 (Div. 3) D. Coins and Queries(贪心 05-06 球相交模板 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 47 (Rated for Div. 2)E.Intercity Travelling 05-06 蓝桥杯-城市建设 05-06 蓝桥杯 大臣的旅费 05-06 导弹拦截 dp 05-06 牛客 被3整除的子序列dp 05-06 Codeforces Round #450 (Div. 2) C. Remove Extra One 05-06 Codeforces Round #449 (Div. 2) D. Ithea Plays With Chtholly 05-06 Codeforces Round #545 (Div. 2) C. Skyscrapers 离散化+贪心 05-06 Codeforces Round #447 (Div. 2) B. Ralph And His Magic Field 数学 05-06 poj100纪念 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 32 E. Maximum Subsequence 05-06 “字节跳动-文远知行杯”广东工业大学第十四届程序设计竞赛 1010 Count 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 33 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Counting Arrays 05-06 Codeforces Round #501 (Div. 3) D. Walking Between Houses 05-06 Codeforces Round #527 (Div. 3) . F Tree with Maximum Cost 05-06 牛牛与数组 (简单dp) 05-06 Codeforces Round #527 (Div. 3) C. Prefixes and Suffixes 05-06 Codeforces Round #404 (Div. 2) D. Anton and School - 2 05-06 Codeforces Round #505 (rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2, based on VK Cup 2018 Final) B. Weakened Common Divis 05-06 CodeChef - COUNTREL Count Relations 05-06 Codeforces Round #551 (Div. 2) D. Serval and Rooted Tree (树形dp) 05-06 Codeforces Round #484 (Div. 2)Cut 'em all!(dfs) 05-06 Mail.Ru Cup 2018 Round 3 B. Divide Candies 05-06 Codeforces Round #552 (Div. 3) F. Shovels Shop(dp) 05-06 hdu5974 A Simple Math Problem(数学) 05-06 hdu5965扫雷 枚举+递推 05-06 Codeforces Round #553 (Div. 2) C. Problem for Nazar 模拟+思维 05-06 小米oj-找小“3” 模拟+思维 05-06 hdu5358 ( First One )数学+思维 05-06 codeforces468A 24 Game 05-06 cf gym102901K The Stream of Corning 2 离线+bit 05-06 cf gym102091 E How Many Groups (dp 05-06 codeforces508E. Arthur and Brackets(贪心) 05-06 Codeforces Round #245 (Div. 2)A. Points and Segments (easy)(思维) 05-06 Codeforces Round #261 (Div. 2) C. Pashmak and Buses(思维+构造) 05-06 AtCoder Regular Contest 102 C - Triangular Relationship 思维 05-06 蓝桥杯 历届试题 地宫取宝 递推 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 65 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Range Deleting 二分 or 双指针 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 128 E - Roadwork stl+思维 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 127 E - Cell Distance 贡献 05-06 Codeforces Round #570 (Div. 3)A-H题解 05-06 Comet OJ - Contest #6 problemB - 双倍快乐 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 67 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Tree Painting 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 67 (Rated for Div. 2)D. Subarray Sorting(线段树+思维) 05-06 2019 计蒜之道 复赛 A. 外教 Michale 变身大熊猫 05-06 WKWDfmksTE 05-06 hdu6567 Cotree (树dp换根+思维) 05-06 hdu6586 String(贪心) 05-06 hdu6602 Longest Subarray(线段树+思维) 05-06 hdu6609 Find Answer(树状数组+二分) 05-06 银联高校极客挑战赛 初赛 第二场 B码队弟弟的求和问题(除法分块) 05-06 hdu6621 K-th Closest Distance(二分+主席树) 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第五场) G.subsequence 1 (dp) 05-06 hdu6606 Distribution of books(二分+dp+线段树/树状数组) 05-06 hdu6592 Beauty Of Unimodal Sequence(树状数组+贪心) 05-06 蔡勒公式 05-06 hdu6628 permutation 1 (dfs) 05-06 hdu6627 equation(讨论) 05-06 洛谷P3384 【模板】树链剖分 05-06 Comet OJ - Contest #8 C.符文能量 05-06 Codeforces Round #524 (Div. 2)D. Olya and magical square 05-06 Codeforces Round #579 (Div. 3) D2. Remove the Substring (hard version)(序列自动机+贪心) 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第九场)E.All men are brothers(数学) 05-06 poj1821 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第八场)A All-one Matrices(单调栈) 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第十场)F Popping Balloons(线段树) 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 138 E - Strings of Impurity(序列自动机) 05-06 hdu6681 Rikka with Cake(主席树) 05-06 hdu6685 Rikka with Coin 05-06 RMQ模板 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 71 (Rated for Div. 2) F.Remainder Problem(分块暴力) 05-06 hdu6703 array(线段树) 05-06 hdu6709 Fishing Master(思维+贪心) 05-06 hdu6705 05-06 hdu6686 Rikka with Travels(树的直径) 05-06 hdu6655 Just Repeat(贪心) 05-06 hdu6701 Make Rounddog Happy(分治) 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第三场)F Planting Trees(单调队列) 05-06 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第三场)G Removing Stones 05-06 Manthan, Codefest 19 (open for everyone, rated, Div. 1 + Div. 2) E.Let them slide(单调队列) 05-06 2019 计蒜之道 初赛 第五场 浪潮面试题之数组(单调栈) 05-06 2019南京网络赛A 树状数组+思维 05-06 2019南京网络赛F 树状数组+主席树 05-06 2019icpc徐州网络赛I query (离线+树状数组) 05-06 atcoder abc140E (计算贡献) 05-06 2019icpc徐州网络赛 E.XKC's basketball team(线段树) 05-06 bzoj4627 [BeiJing2016]回转寿司(动态开点线段树) 05-06 2019 USP-ICMC 05-06 2019icpc沈阳网络赛 D. Fish eating fruit (点分治) 05-06 2019icpc沈阳网络赛 B. Dudu's maze(dfs) 05-06 大数全能版(转) 05-06 2019icpc上海网络赛 F. Rhyme scheme 05-06 luogu3806 点分治模板 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 36 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Physical Education Lessons 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 72 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Sum Queries? (线段树) 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 50 (Rated for Div. 2) B. Diagonal Walking v.2 (思维) 05-06 VK Cup 2012 Round 1 D.Distance in Tree(点分治) 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 46 (Rated for Div. 2) F. One Occurrence(线段树) 05-06 luogu P2617 Dynamic Rankings 主席树套树状数组模板 05-06 Codeforces Round #567 (Div. 2) D. Irrigation(思维+主席树) 05-06 CF797 E. Array Queries 05-06 CF457C C. Elections 05-06 CF457B. Distributed Join 05-06 CF1093G Multidimensional Queries 05-06 CF1181D Irrigation Intersection of Permutations 05-06 Codeforces Round #589 (Div. 2) E.Another Filling the Grid 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 143 E.Travel by Car(最短路) 05-06 2019 acm-icpc银川站K. Largest Common Submatrix 单调队列 05-06 2019 acm-icpc银川站F.Function!(数学分块) 05-06 2019-2020 ICPC, Asia Jakarta Regional Contest E. Songwriter(贪心) 05-06 Codeforces Round #363 (Div. 2) D. Fix a Tree(greedy+dsu) 05-06 Codeforces Round #364 (Div. 2) D. As Fast As Possible(binary search) 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 15 E Analysis of Pathes in Functional Graph(倍增) 05-06 Codeforces Round #365 (Div. 2) D. Mishka and Interesting sum(思维+差分) 05-06 luoguP3834 【模板】可持久化线段树 1(主席树) 05-06 luogu P2617 Dynamic Rankings 05-06 luogu P1527 矩阵乘法 05-06 luogu P3332 [ZJOI2013]K大数查询 05-06 clion 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 146 E - Rem of Sum is Num(思维) 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 146 F - Sugoroku(线段树+思维) 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 76 (Rated for Div. 2) E. The Contest(线段树+模拟) 05-06 牛客练习赛55E.树 05-06 Codeforces Round #601 (Div. 1) A. Feeding Chicken(贪心+构造) 05-06 2019-2020 ICPC, NERC, Northern Eurasia Finals J. Just Arrange the Icons(贪心+数学) 05-06 2019-2020 ICPC, NERC, Southern and Volga Russian Regional Contest J. The Parade(二分+贪心) 05-06 Codeforces Round #610 (Div. 2) E. The Cake Is a Lie 05-06 Codeforces Round #561 (Div. 2) D. Cute Sequences(数学+贪心) 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 149 E - Handshake 05-06 Codeforces Round #611 (Div. 3) F. DIY Garland 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 25 G. Tree Queries 05-06 Hello 2020 D. New Year and Conference 05-06 Codeforces Round #612 (Div. 1)(A-C) 05-06 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) (A-E) 05-06 Codeforces Round #335 (Div. 2) (A-E) 05-06 组合数学公式 05-06 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day 1 05-06 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day 2 05-06 Codeforces Round #617 (Div. 3) F. Berland Beauty 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 82 (Rated for Div. 2) C. Perfect Keyboard 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 82 (Rated for Div. 2) D. Fill The Bag 05-06 Educational Codeforces Round 82 (Rated for Div. 2)E. Erase Subsequences 05-06 Codeforces Round #619 (Div. 2) D. Time to Run 05-06 Codeforces Round #619 (Div. 2) E. Nanosoft 05-06 Codeforces Round #620 (Div. 2) F2. Animal Observation (hard version) 05-06 Codeforces Round #621 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) D. Cow and Fields 05-06 Segment Tree Beats 学习笔记 05-06 2020 CCPC Wannafly Winter Camp Day1 I. K小数查询 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 156 E - Roaming 05-06 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day2 (Div.1&2) F. 采蘑菇的克拉莉丝 05-06 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day2 (Div.1&2) E. 阔力梯的树 05-06 Codeforces Round #624 (Div. 3) A-F 05-06 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day6 (Div.1&2) H. 异或询问 05-06 牛客练习赛58 F.XOR TREE 05-06 CodeCraft-20 (Div. 2) E.Team Building 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 158 F.Removing Robots 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 158 E.Divisible Substring 05-06 字典树学习笔记 05-06 Codeforces Round #313 (Div. 2) A-E 05-06 Panasonic Programming Contest 2020 E - Three Substrings 05-06 Codeforces Round #628 (Div. 2) E. Ehab's REAL Number Theory Problem 05-06 牛客挑战赛38 B.子串翻转 05-06 2019icpc南昌邀请赛H. Another Sequence 05-06 1326E - Bombs 05-06 Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest 2019 A. Appeal to the Audience 05-06 AtCoder Beginner Contest 159 F.Knapsack for All Segments 05-06 Codeforces Round #634 (Div. 3) 05-06 NCD2019 A. Hasan the lazy judge 二分 05-06 个人感悟-持续更新(想起来就更吧? 05-06 NCD2019 A. Hasan the lazy judge 二分 04-04 【每日一题】数码 04-02 【每日一题】Shortest Path 04-01 【每日一题】月月查华华的手机 03-26 【每日一题】数学考试题解 01-13 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day 2 01-13 2020 CCPC-Wannafly Winter Camp Day 1 01-11 组合数学公式 01-07 Codeforces Round #335 (Div. 2) (A-E) 01-07 Codeforces Round #274 (Div. 2) (A-E) 01-07 Codeforces Round #612 (Div. 1)(A-C) 01-05 Hello 2020 D. New Year and Conference 01-03 Educational Codeforces Round 25 G. Tree Queries 01-01 Codeforces Round #611 (Div. 3) F. DIY Garland