09-15 【二叉树】小球下落 09-15 2823【例9.15】潜水员 09-15 2660[2015_1]金币(入门第三关) 09-15 3277 [2015_2]扫雷游戏(基础第一关) 09-15 3278: [2015_4]求和 09-15 3343 问题 H: [2015_3]推销员 09-15 问题 A: 【例4-7】亲戚(relation) 09-15 2926问题 C: 团伙(group) 09-15 问题 I: 八皇后 09-15 3729问题 G: 畅通工程 09-15 2935问题 B: 食物链【NOI2001】 09-15 2019长安大学ACM校赛网络同步赛 Trial of Devil 09-15 问题 B: 看病排队 09-15 问题 D: 筷子 09-15 问题 F: 股票买卖 09-15 稳定排序 09-15 问题B: 看病 09-15 A - Jungle Roads 09-15 B - Networking 09-15 D - Constructing Roads 09-15 P1226 【模板】快速幂||取余运算 09-15 c#大作业——围棋(单机版) 09-15 问题 B: 烽火传递 09-15 问题 A: 滑动窗口 09-15 问题 A: 【例题1】数的划分 09-15 问题 C: 【例题3】小木棍 09-15 问题 D: 【例题4】Addition Chains 09-15 问题 C: Knight Moves 09-15 问题 C: 2.[Usaco2006 Dec]虫洞(Bzoj1715) 09-15 问题 C: 轻拍牛头 09-15 问题 B: 质因数分解 09-15 问题 A: 最大公约数 09-15 问题 B: X-factor Chain 09-15 [1] 3565 问题 A: 数列区间最大值 09-15 [2] 3570 奶牛排队 09-15 [3] 3611 最敏捷的机器人 09-15 高精度除法+高精度符号运算封装 09-15 [3] 3276 [2017_4]跳房子 09-15 一)408.奶牛碑文 09-15 [1] 3714 问题 H: 周年纪念晚会 09-15 [2] 3710 问题 D: 战略游戏 09-15 3708 问题 B: 选课 09-15 L - Love Triangle 09-15 A - Clothes 09-15 Problem F Mountain Scenes 09-15 camp训练总结(1) 09-15 camp训练总结(2) 09-15 3621问题 E: 区间求和 09-15 2019 Multi-University Training Contest 5 09-15 问题 G: 区间查询 09-15 [kuangbin带你飞]专题一 简单搜索 --A - 棋盘问题 09-15 问题 J: 接竹竿 09-15 问题 L: 守卫 09-15 问题 E: 皇宫看守 09-15 2018ccpc吉林I - Strength 09-15 D. Ticket Game 09-15 B. The Number of Products 09-15 C. Swap Letters 09-15 C. Paint the Digits 09-15 马拉车模板 09-15 ACM算法目录 09-15 Comet OJ - Contest #11Business 09-15 B. Filling the Grid 09-15 C. Primes and Multiplication 09-15 组合数 09-15 B2. Social Network (hard version) 09-15 2016icpc上海Problem L. 09-15 D - Winning an Auction 09-15 D. Swords 09-15 C. The Football Season 09-15 E. Minimizing Difference 09-15 G. Running in Pairs 09-15 B. Balanced Tunnel 09-15 D - Keiichi Tsuchiya the Drift King 09-15 问题 F: N个物品2 09-15 问题 E: 猩猩散步 09-15 E. By Elevator or Stairs? 09-15 B2. Books Exchange (hard version) 09-15 C2. Good Numbers (hard version) 09-15 B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version) 09-15 C. p-binary 09-15 7030问题 U: 家庭问题 09-15 C - The Dominator of Strings 09-15 K - Kingdom of Obsession 09-15 B - Pocket Cube 09-15 C. Platforms Jumping 09-15 Wrestling Match 09-15 A. Toy Army 09-15 C. Minimize The Integer 09-15 A. Tokitsukaze and Discard Items 09-15 H. Happy Birthday 09-15 A. Tile Painting 09-15 C. Infinite Fence 09-15 C. Sweets Eating 09-15 2019年ICPC区域赛沈阳站总结 09-15 E. Boxers 09-15 D. Stas and the Queue at the Buffet 09-15 D. Secret Passwords 09-15 C. Everyone is a Winner! 09-15 B. PIN Codes 09-15 A. Sweet Problem 09-15 B. Sheldon and Ice Pieces 09-15 C. Round Corridor 09-15 D2. Equalizing by Division (hard version) 09-15 D2. RGB Substring (hard version) 09-15 B. Views Matter 09-15 B. Pairs 09-15 C 选择颜色 09-15 B. Beautiful Numbers 09-15 C. Beautiful Regional Contest 09-15 A. Beautiful String 09-15 B. A and B 09-15 C. Friends and Gifts 09-15 D. Christmas Trees 09-15 E. New Year Parties 09-15 C. Increasing by Modulo 09-15 B. Minimum Ternary String 09-15 The GCD of Fibonacci Numbers 09-15 B. Catch Overflow! 09-15 A. Boredom 09-15 A. Winner 09-15 C. Two Arrays 09-15 B. Ciel and Flowers 09-15 A. k-Multiple Free Set 09-15 B. Taxi 09-15 D. Vasya and Chess 09-15 A. Next Test 09-15 A. Mafia 09-15 C. Number of Ways 09-15 D. Zero Quantity Maximization 09-15 B. Kefa and Company 09-15 A. Vasya and Petya's Game 09-15 A. Alice and Bob 09-15 D. 1-2-K Game 09-15 A. Gerald's Hexagon 09-15 A. 24 Game 09-15 A. The Meaningless Game 09-15 C. Tic-tac-toe 09-15 A. Plate Game 09-15 C. Table Decorations 09-15 B. Before an Exam 09-15 C. Fly 09-15 D. Rocket 09-15 C. NEKO's Maze Game 09-15 D. Aroma's Search 09-15 C. Divisibility by Eight 09-15 B. Pasha and String 09-15 C. Banh-mi 09-15 D. Fun with Integers 09-15 C. Product of Three Numbers 09-15 D. MEX maximizing 09-15 E. Two Arrays and Sum of Functions 09-15 B. Spreadsheets 09-15 A. DZY Loves Sequences 09-15 B. Painting Eggs 09-15 B. Infinite Prefixes 09-15 C. Obtain The String 09-15 D. Same GCDs 09-15 B. Azamon Web Services 09-15 D. Almost All Divisors 09-15 C. New Year Ratings Change 09-15 B. Camp Schedule 09-15 C. Pythagorean Triples 09-15 E. Tetrahedron 09-15 C. Fadi and LCM 09-15 B. Just Eat It! 09-15 D. Dr. Evil Underscores 09-15 A. Duff and Weight Lifting 09-15 C. Mind Control 09-15 C. Yet Another Walking Robot 09-15 D. Fight with Monsters 09-15 J u's的影响力 09-15 D. Taxes 09-15 E 做计数 09-15 F 拿物品 09-15 G 判正误 09-15 H 施魔法 09-15 I 建通道 09-15 B. Pasha and Tea 09-15 I 牛牛的汉诺塔 09-15 浅谈斐波那契数列 09-15 浅谈素数 09-15 C. Anu Has a Function 09-15 D. Aerodynamic 09-15 F 树上博弈 09-15 D 子段异或 09-15 浅谈带%运算 09-15 浅谈位运算 09-15 B. Motarack's Birthday 09-15 C. Perfect Keyboard 09-15 C. Ayoub's function 09-15 D 牛牛与牛妹的约会 09-15 E Enjoy the game 09-15 F 碎碎念 09-15 B 牛牛战队的比赛地 09-15 C. Air Conditioner 09-15 D 重排列 09-15 E 立方数 09-15 B. Hyperset 09-15 C. Cow and Message 09-15 B. New Year and Ascent Sequence 09-15 C. New Year and Permutation 09-15 浅谈欧拉函数 09-15 C. Basketball Exercise 09-15 C2. Exam in BerSU (hard version) 09-15 D1. Add on a Tree 09-15 A 牛牛与序列计数 09-15 B 牛牛与组合数学 09-15 浅谈组合数 09-15 C 交换游戏 09-15 C. Restoring Permutation 09-15 D. Three Integers 09-15 B. Nick and Array 09-15 浅谈中国剩余定理 09-15 C. Playlist 09-15 D. Minimum Triangulation 09-15 E1. String Coloring (easy version) 09-15 E2. String Coloring (hard version) 09-15 C 矩阵消除游戏 09-15 B. Journey Planning 09-15 C. Remove Adjacent 09-15 浅谈博弈论 09-15 C. Kuroni and Impossible Calculation 09-15 C. Primitive Primes 09-15 B. Count Subrectangles 09-15 C. Unusual Competitions 09-15 C. Adding Powers 09-15 D. Count the Arrays 09-15 E. Sleeping Schedule 09-15 D. Pair of Topics 09-15 C 装备合成 09-15 D 取石子游戏 09-15 C. Ehab and Path-etic MEXs 09-15 D. Ehab the Xorcist 09-15 H 奇怪的背包问题增加了 09-15 E. Count The Blocks 09-15 D. Carousel 09-15 B. Dreamoon Likes Permutations 09-15 C. Dreamoon Likes Coloring 09-15 F. Kate and imperfection 09-15 D. Anti-Sudoku 09-15 E1. Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) 09-15 E2. Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) 09-15 C. Linova and Kingdom 09-15 C2. Increasing Subsequence (hard version) 09-15 B. Nastya and Door 09-15 C. Nastya and Strange Generator 09-15 D. Nastya and Scoreboard 09-15 C 答题卡 09-15 A 像鱼 09-15 C. Hilbert's Hotel 09-15 D. Monopole Magnets 09-15 A 张老师和菜哭武的游戏 09-15 F 排列计算 09-15 Codeforces Round #640 (Div. 4) 09-15 A. Sequence with Digits 09-15 D. Game With Array 09-15 C. Count Triangles 09-15 C2. Not So Simple Polygon Embedding 09-15 C1. Simple Polygon Embedding 09-15 浅谈线段树(区间) 09-15 B. Orac and Models 09-15 C. Orac and LCM 09-15 D. Orac and Medians 09-15 C 序列卷积之和 09-15 H 中位因数 09-15 G. A/B Matrix 09-15 E. Modular Stability 09-15 C. Mixing Water 09-15 C. Game On Leaves 09-15 E. Tree Shuffling 09-15 C. A Cookie for You 09-15 D. Grid-00100 09-15 D. Zero Remainder Array 09-15 C. Pluses and Minuses 09-15 D - Vacation 09-15 网络流最大流模板 09-15 地震逃生 09-15 P1345 [USACO5.4]奶牛的电信Telecowmunication 09-15 E. Maximum Subsequence Value 09-15 D. Solve The Maze 09-15 C. Rotation Matching 09-15 C. Palindromic Paths 09-15 D. Two Divisors 09-15 A Equivalent Prefixes 09-15 2020牛客多校第二场 09-15 2020牛客多校第三场 09-15 2020牛客多校第四场 09-15 2020牛客多校第五场 09-15 2020牛客多校第六场 09-15 2020杭电多校第四场 09-15 2020杭电多校第一场 09-15 2020杭电多校第二场 09-15 2020杭电多校第三场 09-15 2020杭电多校第五场 09-15 2020牛客多校第一场 09-15 2020牛客多校第七场 09-15 2020牛客多校第八场 09-15 2020牛客多校第九场 09-15 2020牛客多校第十场 05-28 3277 [2015_2]扫雷游戏(基础第一关) 05-28 3278: [2015_4]求和 05-28 3343 问题 H: [2015_3]推销员 05-28 问题 A: 【例4-7】亲戚(relation) 05-28 2926问题 C: 团伙(group) 05-28 问题 I: 八皇后 05-28 2935问题 B: 食物链【NOI2001】 05-28 2019长安大学ACM校赛网络同步赛 Trial of Devil 05-28 问题 B: 看病排队 05-28 问题 D: 筷子 05-28 问题 F: 股票买卖 05-28 稳定排序 05-28 问题B: 看病 05-28 A - Jungle Roads 05-28 B - Networking 05-28 D - Constructing Roads 05-28 P1226 【模板】快速幂||取余运算 05-28 c#大作业——围棋(单机版) 05-28 问题 B: 烽火传递 05-28 问题 A: 滑动窗口 05-28 问题 A: 【例题1】数的划分 05-28 问题 C: 【例题3】小木棍 05-28 问题 D: 【例题4】Addition Chains 05-28 问题 C: Knight Moves 05-28 问题 C: 2.[Usaco2006 Dec]虫洞(Bzoj1715) 05-28 问题 C: 轻拍牛头 05-28 问题 B: 质因数分解 05-28 问题 A: 最大公约数 05-28 问题 B: X-factor Chain 05-28 [1] 3565 问题 A: 数列区间最大值 05-28 [2] 3570 奶牛排队 05-28 [3] 3611 最敏捷的机器人 05-28 高精度除法+高精度符号运算封装 05-28 [3] 3276 [2017_4]跳房子 05-28 一)408.奶牛碑文 05-28 [1] 3714 问题 H: 周年纪念晚会 05-28 [2] 3710 问题 D: 战略游戏 05-28 3708 问题 B: 选课 05-28 L - Love Triangle 05-28 A - Clothes 05-28 Problem F Mountain Scenes 05-28 camp训练总结(1) 05-28 camp训练总结(2) 05-28 3621问题 E: 区间求和 05-28 2019 Multi-University Training Contest 5 05-28 问题 G: 区间查询 05-28 [kuangbin带你飞]专题一 简单搜索 --A - 棋盘问题 05-28 问题 J: 接竹竿 05-28 问题 L: 守卫 05-28 问题 E: 皇宫看守 05-28 2018ccpc吉林I - Strength 05-28 D. Ticket Game 05-28 B. The Number of Products 05-28 C. Swap Letters 05-28 C. Paint the Digits 05-28 马拉车模板 05-28 ACM算法目录 05-28 Comet OJ - Contest #11Business 05-28 B. Filling the Grid 05-28 C. Primes and Multiplication 05-28 组合数 05-28 B2. Social Network (hard version) 05-28 2016icpc上海Problem L. 05-28 D. Swords 05-28 C. The Football Season 05-28 E. Minimizing Difference 05-28 G. Running in Pairs 05-28 B. Balanced Tunnel 05-28 D - Keiichi Tsuchiya the Drift King 05-28 问题 F: N个物品2 05-28 问题 E: 猩猩散步 05-28 E. By Elevator or Stairs? 05-28 B2. Books Exchange (hard version) 05-28 C2. Good Numbers (hard version) 05-28 B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version) 05-28 C. p-binary 05-28 7030问题 U: 家庭问题 05-28 C - The Dominator of Strings 05-28 K - Kingdom of Obsession 05-28 B - Pocket Cube 05-28 C. Platforms Jumping 05-28 Wrestling Match 05-28 A. Toy Army 05-28 C. Minimize The Integer 05-28 A. Tokitsukaze and Discard Items 05-28 H. Happy Birthday 05-28 A. Tile Painting 05-28 C. Infinite Fence 05-28 C. Sweets Eating 05-28 2019年ICPC区域赛沈阳站总结 05-28 E. Boxers 05-28 D. Stas and the Queue at the Buffet 05-28 D. Secret Passwords 05-28 C. Everyone is a Winner! 05-28 B. PIN Codes 05-28 A. Sweet Problem 05-28 B. Sheldon and Ice Pieces 05-28 C. Round Corridor 05-28 D2. Equalizing by Division (hard version) 05-28 D2. RGB Substring (hard version) 05-28 B. Views Matter 05-28 B. Pairs 05-28 C 选择颜色 05-28 B. Beautiful Numbers 05-28 C. Beautiful Regional Contest 05-28 A. Beautiful String 05-28 B. A and B 05-28 C. Friends and Gifts 05-28 D. Christmas Trees 05-28 E. New Year Parties 05-28 C. Increasing by Modulo 05-28 B. Minimum Ternary String 05-28 The GCD of Fibonacci Numbers 05-28 B. Catch Overflow! 05-28 A. Boredom 05-28 A. Winner 05-28 C. Two Arrays 05-28 B. Ciel and Flowers 05-28 A. k-Multiple Free Set 05-28 B. Taxi 05-28 D. Vasya and Chess 05-28 A. Next Test 05-28 A. Mafia 05-28 C. Number of Ways 05-28 D. Zero Quantity Maximization 05-28 B. Kefa and Company 05-28 A. Vasya and Petya's Game 05-28 A. Alice and Bob 05-28 D. 1-2-K Game 05-28 A. Gerald's Hexagon 05-28 A. 24 Game 05-28 A. The Meaningless Game 05-28 C. Tic-tac-toe 05-28 A. Plate Game 05-28 C. Table Decorations 05-28 B. Before an Exam 05-28 C. Fly 05-28 D. Rocket 05-28 C. NEKO's Maze Game 05-28 D. Aroma's Search 05-28 C. Divisibility by Eight 05-28 B. Pasha and String 05-28 C. Banh-mi 05-28 D. Fun with Integers 05-28 C. Product of Three Numbers 05-28 D. MEX maximizing 05-28 E. Two Arrays and Sum of Functions 05-28 B. Spreadsheets 05-28 A. DZY Loves Sequences 05-28 B. Painting Eggs 05-28 B. Infinite Prefixes 05-28 C. Obtain The String 05-28 D. Same GCDs 05-28 B. Azamon Web Services 05-28 D. Almost All Divisors 05-28 C. New Year Ratings Change 05-28 B. Camp Schedule 05-28 C. Pythagorean Triples 05-28 E. Tetrahedron 05-28 C. Fadi and LCM 05-28 B. Just Eat It! 05-28 D. Dr. Evil Underscores 05-28 A. Duff and Weight Lifting 05-28 C. Mind Control 05-28 C. Yet Another Walking Robot 05-28 D. Fight with Monsters 05-28 J u's的影响力 05-28 D. Taxes 05-28 E 做计数 05-28 F 拿物品 05-28 G 判正误 05-28 H 施魔法 05-28 I 建通道 05-28 B. Pasha and Tea 05-28 I 牛牛的汉诺塔 05-28 浅谈斐波那契数列 05-28 浅谈素数 05-28 C. Anu Has a Function 05-28 D. Aerodynamic 05-28 F 树上博弈 05-28 D 子段异或 05-28 浅谈带%运算 05-28 浅谈位运算 05-28 B. Motarack's Birthday 05-28 C. Perfect Keyboard 05-28 C. Ayoub's function 05-28 D 牛牛与牛妹的约会 05-28 E Enjoy the game 05-28 F 碎碎念 05-28 B 牛牛战队的比赛地 05-28 C. Air Conditioner 05-28 D 重排列 05-28 E 立方数 05-28 B. Hyperset 05-28 C. Cow and Message 05-28 B. New Year and Ascent Sequence 05-28 C. New Year and Permutation 05-28 浅谈欧拉函数 05-28 C. Basketball Exercise 05-28 C2. Exam in BerSU (hard version) 05-28 D1. Add on a Tree 05-28 A 牛牛与序列计数 05-28 B 牛牛与组合数学 05-28 浅谈组合数 05-28 C 交换游戏 05-28 C. Restoring Permutation 05-28 D. Three Integers 05-28 B. Nick and Array 05-28 浅谈中国剩余定理 05-28 C. Playlist 05-28 D. Minimum Triangulation 05-28 E1. String Coloring (easy version) 05-28 E2. String Coloring (hard version) 05-28 C 矩阵消除游戏 05-28 B. Journey Planning 05-28 C. Remove Adjacent 05-28 浅谈博弈论 05-28 C. Kuroni and Impossible Calculation 05-28 C. Primitive Primes 05-28 B. Count Subrectangles 05-28 C. Unusual Competitions 05-28 C. Adding Powers 05-28 D. Count the Arrays 05-28 E. Sleeping Schedule 05-28 D. Pair of Topics 05-28 C 装备合成 05-28 D 取石子游戏 05-28 C. Ehab and Path-etic MEXs 05-28 D. Ehab the Xorcist 05-28 H 奇怪的背包问题增加了 05-28 E. Count The Blocks 05-28 D. Carousel 05-28 B. Dreamoon Likes Permutations 05-28 C. Dreamoon Likes Coloring 05-28 F. Kate and imperfection 05-28 D. Anti-Sudoku 05-28 E1. Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) 05-28 E2. Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) 05-28 C. Linova and Kingdom 05-28 C2. Increasing Subsequence (hard version) 05-28 B. Nastya and Door 05-28 C. Nastya and Strange Generator 05-28 D. Nastya and Scoreboard 05-28 C 答题卡 05-28 A 像鱼 05-28 C. Hilbert's Hotel 05-28 D. Monopole Magnets 05-28 A 张老师和菜哭武的游戏 05-28 F 排列计算 05-28 Codeforces Round #640 (Div. 4) 05-28 A. Sequence with Digits 05-28 D. Game With Array 05-28 C. Count Triangles 05-28 C2. Not So Simple Polygon Embedding 05-28 C1. Simple Polygon Embedding 05-28 浅谈线段树(区间) 05-28 C. Orac and LCM 05-28 D. Orac and Medians 05-28 C 序列卷积之和 05-28 H 中位因数 05-28 G. A/B Matrix