07-18 2019牛客暑期多校训练营(第一场) 07-14 吉首大学2019年程序设计竞赛 07-13 差分数组 07-12 牛客小白月赛16 07-10 C++ scanf()函数安全性问题 07-10 线段树合并 07-10 BZOJ 2733 | 洛谷 P3224 [HNOI2012]永无乡 07-10 HDU 3947 River Problem 07-09 Sequence 07-09 Task Schedule 07-09 Soldier and Traveling 07-09 Asteroids 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB 成绩单 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB 备份是个好习惯 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB 点击一百万次 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB 输入密码查看flag 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB flag在index里 07-09 BugKuCTF WEB web4 07-08 Topforces Strikes Back 07-08 Subsequences (easy version) 07-08 Candy Box (easy version) 07-08 Computer Game 07-08 Equalize Prices 07-08 Nearest Interesting Number 07-08 BugKuCTF WEB 管理员系统 07-08 BugKuCTF WEB 网站被黑 07-08 BugKuCTF WEB 头等舱 07-08 BugKuCTF WEB web5 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 变量1 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 本地包含 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 你必须让他停下 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 域名解析 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB web3 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 矛盾 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB web基础$_POST 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB web基础$_GET 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB 计算器 07-07 BugKuCTF WEB web2 07-06 [AHOI2005]COMMON 约数研究 07-06 [SHOI2002]滑雪 07-06 A + B Problem 07-06 大学生笔记本选购指南(2018) 07-06 浙江理工大学-2018-201***年面向对象程序设计A-期末复习资料 07-06 ACM/OI学科竞赛-OJ平台 07-06 八皇后问题 07-06 物联网的发展与应用 07-06 注册表模板-OEM信息自定义 07-06 “华为杯”中国矿业大学程序设计学科竞赛 07-05 CTF(Capture The Flag) 07-05 牛客练习赛49 07-05 CG CTF CRYPTO 异性相吸 07-05 CG CTF CRYPTO Keyboard 07-05 CG CTF CRYPTO easy! 07-05 CG CTF RE Py交易 07-05 CG CTF RE ReadAsm2 07-05 CG CTF RE Hello,RE! 07-05 CG CTF WEB 综合题2 07-05 CG CTF WEB 综合题 07-04 CG CTF WEB 变量覆盖 07-04 CG CTF WEB 密码重置2 07-04 CG CTF WEB file_get_contents 07-04 CG CTF WEB 上传绕过 07-04 CG CTF WEB SQL注入2 07-04 CG CTF WEB SQL注入1 07-04 CG CTF WEB SQL Injection 07-04 CG CTF WEB 密码重置 07-04 CG CTF WEB 起名字真难 07-04 CG CTF WEB pass check 07-03 [NOI2011]阿狸的打字机 07-03 [POI2000]病毒 07-03 Histogram Sequence 07-03 Elections 07-03 Mafia 07-03 Vasya and Robot 07-03 Monitor 07-03 Molly's Chemicals 07-03 Easy h-index 07-03 DNA Alignment 07-02 CG CTF WEB 伪装者 07-02 CG CTF WEB 变量覆盖 07-02 CG CTF WEB bypass again 07-02 CG CTF WEB /x00 07-02 CG CTF WEB GBK Injection 07-02 CG CTF WEB MYSQL 07-02 CG CTF WEB COOKIE 07-02 CG CTF WEB Download~! 07-02 CG CTF WEB 单身一百年也没用 07-02 CG CTF WEB 文件包含 07-01 CG CTF WEB php decode 07-01 CG CTF WEB 单身二十年 07-01 CG CTF WEB AAencode 07-01 CG CTF WEB 层层递进 07-01 CG CTF WEB 这题不是WEB 07-01 CG CTF WEB 签到2 07-01 CG CTF WEB md5 collision 07-01 CG CTF WEB 签到题 07-01 XCTF WEB simple_php 07-01 XCTF WEB simple_js 06-30 XCTF WEB command_execution 06-30 XCTF WEB webshell 06-30 XCTF WEB weak_auth 06-30 XCTF WEB xff_referer 06-30 XCTF WEB disabled_button 06-30 XCTF WEB cookie 06-30 XCTF WEB backup 06-30 XCTF WEB robots 06-30 XCTF WEB get_post 06-30 XCTF WEB view_source 06-29 北京信息科技大学第十一届程序设计竞赛 06-28 ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛 06-21 牛客练习赛48 06-20 计算机课程学习计划 06-18 便利店管理系统 06-14 牛客小白月赛15 06-12 Beautiful Lyrics 06-12 Plus from Picture 06-12 Filling Shapes 06-09 牛客练习赛47 06-09 Destroy it! 06-09 Cover it! 06-09 Recover it! 06-09 Lose it! 06-09 Merge it! 06-09 Divide it! 06-08 长春理工大学第十四届程序设计竞赛 06-08 Nauuo and Circle 06-08 Nauuo and Cards 06-08 Nauuo and Chess 06-08 Nauuo and Votes 06-06 Array Splitting 06-06 Electrification 06-06 Catch Overflow! 06-06 From Hero to Zero 06-05 离散数学实验题目-图 06-04 [POI2002][HAOI2007]反素数 06-04 Ehab and the Expected XOR Problem 06-04 Ehab and a Special Coloring Problem 06-04 Ehab Is an Odd Person 06-04 Ehab Fails to Be Thanos 06-02 第五届新疆省ACM-ICPC程序设计竞赛 06-02 青岛农业大学第九届ACM程序设计竞赛 06-01 最长公共回文子串(Longest_Common_Palindrome_Substring) 06-01 湖南大学第十五届程序设计竞赛 06-01 ACM/OI中C++常用优化(实用/调试/技巧)代码(语法) 05-31 香甜的黄油 Sweet Butter 05-31 邮票 Stamps 05-31 联系 Contact 05-31 丑数 Humble Numbers 05-30 总分 Score Inflation 05-30 最短网络 Agri-Net 05-30 分数化小数 Fractions to Decimals 05-30 回家 Bessie Come Home 05-30 穿越栅栏 Overfencing 05-30 两只塔姆沃斯牛 The Tamworth Two 05-30 离散数学实验题目-关系 05-30 离散数学实验题目-集合 05-28 牛的旅行 Cow Tours 05-27 员工(类的多态性实验) 05-25 浙江理工大学2019年5月赛 05-24 最长不下降子序列问题 05-24 魔术球问题 05-24 最小路径覆盖问题 05-22 网络流24题 05-22 试题库问题 05-22 [USACO4.2]工序安排Job Processing 05-22 [USACO4.2]草地排水Drainage Ditches 05-21 [USACO4.2]完美的牛栏The Perfect Stall 05-21 方格取数(2) 05-21 方格取数(1) 05-21 方格取数问题 05-21 Can you raed it croretcly? 05-21 SSY and JLBD 05-21 Hello XTCPC 05-21 Chika and Friendly Pairs 05-21 Build Tree 05-21 Chessboard 05-20 Going Home 05-19 CCPC2019-湖南全国邀请赛(湘潭大学) 05-19 C/C++控制台应用程序——画三角形、圆、直线、矩形 05-18 员工类 05-18 “美登杯”上海市高校大学生程序设计邀请赛 (华东理工大学) 05-17 牛客练习赛46 05-17 Drainage Ditches 05-17 [USACO5.4]奶牛的电信Telecowmunication 05-17 Network 05-17 [USACO15JAN]草鉴定Grass Cownoisseur 05-16 [USACO5.3]校园网Network of Schools 05-16 [HAOI2006]受欢迎的牛 05-16 聪明的质监员 05-16 跑路 05-16 Bicolored RBS 05-16 News Distribution 05-16 Lost Numbers 05-16 Telephone Number 05-15 方程的解 05-15 Microtransactions 05-15 Two Arrays and Sum of Functions 05-15 Almost All Divisors 05-15 Good String 05-15 Polycarp Training 05-15 Remainder 05-14 货车运输 05-11 牛客小白月赛14 05-10 快件管理系统 05-10 浙江理工大学网页设计——简易网页制作 05-10 Power Transmission 05-10 Cat Party 05-10 Eating Soup 05-07 [ZJOI2009]假期的宿舍 05-06 Publication_Class、Book_Class、CD_Class 05-05 2019年湘潭大学程序设计竞赛 05-05 ACM比赛题解模板 05-03 [SDOI2009]Elaxia的路线 05-03 上白泽慧音 05-03 小K的农场 05-02 Match Points 05-02 Ugly Pairs 05-02 Inscribed Figures 04-30 Prefix Sum Primes 04-30 Tiling Challenge 04-30 Stock Arbitraging 04-30 线段树——区间离散化/压缩 04-30 回文字符串(Palindromic_String) 04-28 Strings in the Pocket 04-28 Welcome Party 04-28 Fibonacci in the Pocket 04-28 Singing Everywhere 04-28 Lucky 7 in the Pocket 04-28 Abbreviation 04-28 Sequence in the Pocket 04-28 Element Swapping 04-27 The 16th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest Sponsored by TuSimple 04-27 Inverse of Rows and Columns 04-27 Maximum Balanced Circle 04-27 Minimum Array 04-27 N Problems During K Days 04-27 Increasing Subsequence (hard version) 04-27 Increasing Subsequence (easy version) 04-27 Long Number 04-27 Reachable Numbers 04-26 Memory Banks 04-25 模拟电梯2.0(继承机制实验) 04-25 欧几里得算法和扩展欧几里得算法(Euclidean_Algorithm and Extended_Euclidean_Algorithm) 04-25 Schedule 04-25 2019黑龙江大学程序设计竞赛 04-25 Neko and Aki's Prank 04-25 Neko does Maths 04-25 Neko Performs Cat Furrier Transform 04-25 Neko Finds Grapes 04-24 [BeiJing2010组队]次小生成树 Tree 04-23 The Unique MST 04-23 Beautiful Array 04-23 Alarm Clocks Everywhere 04-23 Game with Telephone Numbers 04-23 Reverse a Substring 04-21 浙江理工大学2019年4月赛 04-20 The Preliminary Contest for ICPC China Nanchang National Invitational 04-19 2019中山大学程序设计竞赛 04-19 Sonya and Informatics 04-19 Number of Components 04-19 Stas and the Queue at the Buffet 04-19 Problem for Nazar 04-19 Dima and a Bad XOR 04-19 Maxim and Biology 04-18 单例设计模式 04-17 丑数 04-17 Minimum Possible LCM 04-17 Shovels Shop 04-17 Two Teams 04-17 Walking Robot 04-17 Gourmet Cat 04-17 Make Them Equal 04-17 Restoring Three Numbers 04-15 Robot Cleaner I 04-15 Even Number Theory 04-15 Extended Twin Composite Number 04-15 Postman 04-15 Potion 04-15 Thanks, TuSimple! 04-14 The 19th Zhejiang University Programming Contest Sponsored by TuSimple 04-14 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)第九届ACM程序设计竞赛 04-14 Serval and Parenthesis Sequence 04-14 Serval and Toy Bricks 04-14 Serval and Bus 04-14 ACM基础知识及算法 04-13 2019年华南理工大学程序设计竞赛(春季赛) 04-12 牛客小白月赛13 04-12 Long Long Message 04-12 Longest Common Substring 04-11 Musical Theme 04-10 Girls and Boys 04-10 Strategic Game 04-10 Fire Net 04-10 二分图 04-10 Air Raid 04-03 Machine Schedule 04-03 Mother's Day 04-03 Courses 04-03 Place the Guards 04-03 Flow Problem 04-03 哈尔滨工程大学ACM预热赛 04-02 Training little cats 04-02 Quad Tiling 04-02 Tri Tiling 04-02 Tiling_easy version 04-02 Blocks 04-02 Another kind of Fibonacci 04-02 Matrix Power Series 04-01 Fibonacci 04-01 Raising Modulo Numbers 04-01 How many ways?? 04-01 Rightmost Digit 04-01 Prepared for New Acmer 04-01 Drying 04-01 Two Merged Sequences 04-01 Graph Without Long Directed Paths 04-01 Median String 03-31 Equalize Them All 03-31 Two Shuffled Sequences 03-30 Parity Alternated Deletions 03-30 Diverse Strings 03-30 Queen 03-30 Nirvana 03-30 The Doors 03-30 冰岛人 03-30 彩虹瓶 03-30 深入虎穴 03-30 特立独行的幸福 03-30 Nearest Common Ancestors 03-29 估值一亿的AI核心代码 03-29 吃鱼还是吃肉 03-29 幸运彩票 03-29 新胖子公式 03-29 心理阴影面积 03-29 敲笨钟 03-29 6翻了 03-29 PTA使我精神焕发 03-29 工人类与工资类 03-29 模拟电梯1.0(类与对象实验) 03-28 CD操作 03-28 矩阵构造方法 03-27 Connections between cities 03-27 Hangover 03-27 487-3279 03-27 RMQ问题 03-26 Save your cats 03-26 Road Construction 03-26 Electrification Plan 03-26 Ant Trip 03-26 Watchcow 03-26 欧拉回路 03-26 逃生 03-26 确定比赛名次 03-26 Ordering Tasks 03-25 Catch 03-25 How Many Tables 03-25 [USACO1.5]特殊的质数肋骨 Superprime Rib 03-25 [USACO1.5]回文质数 Prime Palindromes 03-25 [USACO1.5]数字三角形 Number Triangles 03-25 最近公共祖先(Lowest_Common_Ancestors) 03-25 How far away ? 03-24 Minimum Triangulation 03-24 Playlist 03-24 Good String 03-24 Detective Book 03-24 宇恒棋 03-24 回文串 03-23 文明 03-23 象棋对局胜负 03-23 跳马棋 03-23 搬家具 03-23 不打不相识 03-23 LIS 03-23 远离原点 03-23 合并车厢 03-23 平板游戏 03-22 Bicoloring 03-22 [USACO1.4]母亲的牛奶 Mother's Milk 03-22 [USACO1.4]等差数列 Arithmetic Progressions 03-22 [USACO1.3]号码锁 Combination Lock 03-22 [USACO1.3]滑雪课程设计Ski Course Design 03-22 [USACO1.3]虫洞wormhole 03-22 Steps to One 03-22 Edgy Trees 03-22 Chocolates 03-22 Even Substrings 03-21 [USACO1.3]牛式 Prime Cryptarithm 03-21 [USACO1.3]混合牛奶 Mixing Milk 03-21 [USACO1.3]修理牛棚 Barn Repair 03-21 [USACO1.2]双重回文数 Dual Palindromes 03-21 [USACO1.2]回文平方数 Palindromic Squares 03-21 [USACO1.2]方块转换 Transformations 03-21 [USACO1.2]挤牛奶Milking Cows 03-21 [USACO1.2]命名那个数字 Name That Number 03-21 车站分级 03-20 灾后重建 03-20 最短路计数 03-20 Privatization of Roads in Treeland 03-20 Same Sum Blocks 03-20 Superhero Battle 03-20 Colored Boots 03-20 Polycarp Restores Permutation 03-20 Maximal Continuous Rest 03-20 Game 23 03-18 NIM游戏 03-18 Little Sub and Johann 03-18 Little Sub and AA 03-18 Little Sub and Triangles 03-18 Little Sub and Apples 03-17 Little Sub and Enigma 03-17 Little Sub and Counting 03-17 Little Sub and Piggybank 03-17 Little Sub and Game 03-17 Little Sub and Traveling 03-17 Little Sub and Balloons 03-17 Little Sub and Sequence 03-17 Little Sub and Triples 03-17 Little Sub and Applese 03-17 简单通讯录管理系统 03-16 Count 03-16 故事 03-16 zyb的面试 03-16 简单数学题 03-16 清一色 03-16 水题 03-16 免费送气球 03-16 超级无敌简单题 03-16 人类史上最大最好的希望事件 03-16 hzy 和zsl 的生存挑战 03-14 [USACO08DEC]在农场万圣节Trick or Treat on the Farm 03-14 强连通分量(Strongly_Connected_Components) 03-14 无序字母对 03-14 欧拉路径(Euler_Path)和欧拉回路(Euler_Loop) 03-13 [HNOI2003]操作系统 03-13 种树 03-12 堆(Heap) 03-12 最小函数值 03-10 ST表 03-10 信息传递 03-08 Spanning Tree with One Fixed Degree 03-08 Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree 03-08 K Balanced Teams 03-08 Zero Quantity Maximization 03-08 Balanced Team 03-08 Preparation for International Women's Day 03-08 Middle of the Contest 03-07 猴子 03-07 [JSOI2008]星球大战 03-06 [NOI2001]食物链 03-01 简单数学题 03-01 球的体积并 03-01 最小相似度 03-01 抓捕盗窃犯 03-01 666RPG 03-01 翻硬币问题 03-01 悬线法 03-01 [ZJOI2007]棋盘制作 02-28 [AHOI2009]中国象棋 02-28 有线电视网 02-25 拓扑排序(Topology_Sort) 02-25 Gourmet choice 02-25 Toy Train 02-25 Connect 02-25 Two Cakes 02-25 Be Positive 02-24 Asya And Kittens 02-24 Birthday 02-24 Draw! 02-24 Sea Battle 02-06 Average Superhero Gang Power 02-04 Superhero Transformation 02-04 Lunar New Year and a Wander 02-04 Lunar New Year and Number Division 02-04 Lunar New Year and Food Ordering 02-04 Lunar New Year and Cross Counting 02-03 迷宫 02-03 wzoi 02-03 肥猪 02-03 区间或和 02-03 石头剪刀布 02-03 海啸 02-03 美食 02-03 项链 02-03 煤气灶 02-03 出题 02-02 炫酷数学 02-02 炫酷镜子 02-02 炫酷雪花 02-02 炫酷数字 02-02 炫酷回文 02-02 炫酷划线 02-02 炫酷路途 02-02 炫酷迷宫 02-02 炫酷五子棋 02-02 炫酷双截棍 02-01 Applese 的减肥计划 02-01 Applese 的回文串 02-01 Applese 的大奖 02-01 Applese 的毒气炸弹 02-01 Applese 的QQ群 02-01 Applese 涂颜色 02-01 Applese 填数字 02-01 Applese 走迷宫 02-01 Applese 走方格 02-01 Applese 的取石子游戏 01-31 处女座的比赛 01-31 处女座的约会 01-31 处女座的百日理财计划 01-31 处女座和小姐姐(三) 01-31 处女座和小姐姐(二) 01-31 处女座和小姐姐 01-31 处女座的训练 01-31 处女座点名 01-31 处女座的比赛资格 01-31 处女座与线性代数 01-30 区间DP 01-30 欧拉降幂(Euler_Power_Formula) 01-28 Thief in a Shop 01-28 Seven Segment Display 01-28 count 数字计数 01-28 数位DP 01-28 windy数 01-28 FatMouse and Cheese 01-28 最大连续子序列 01-28 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——老人是真饿了 01-28 悼念512汶川大地震遇难同胞——珍惜现在,感恩生活 01-28 不要62 01-27 处女座的期末复习 01-27 处女座的测验(二) 01-27 处女座的测验(一) 01-27 处女座与复读机 01-27 处女座与宝藏 01-27 处女座与汉明距离 01-27 处女座与重修费 01-27 处女座的砝码 01-27 处女座与cf 01-27 处女座的签到题 01-24 小a的集合 01-24 小a与军团模拟器 01-24 小a的学期 01-24 小a的排列 01-24 小a的子序列 01-24 小a的轰炸游戏 01-24 Diverse Garland 01-24 Nice Garland 01-24 Divisors of Two Integers 01-24 Two distinct points 01-23 砝码称重 01-23 引水入城 01-23 Game with modulo 01-23 Grid game 01-23 Game with string 01-23 Splitting into digits 01-22 Flying to the Mars 01-22 T9 01-22 小a与黄金街道 01-22 小a与星际探索 01-22 小a与"204" 01-22 小a的计算器 01-22 Phone List 01-22 What Are You Talking About 01-22 统计难题 01-21 Easy Number Challenge 01-21 因子(Number_Of_Factors) 01-21 SUM and REPLACE 01-21 小Z的袜子(hose) 01-21 莫队算法(Mo's_Algorithm) 01-21 Cube 01-21 Stars 01-21 Sort it 01-21 A Simple Problem with Integers 01-21 Kilani and the Game 01-20 Ayoub and Lost Array 01-20 Zuhair and Strings 01-20 Salem and Sticks 01-20 Hat’s Words 01-19 积性函数(Product_Function) 01-19 字典树(Trie) 01-18 浙江理工大学2019年1月赛 01-18 最大公约数 01-18 最小公倍数(Least_Common_Multiple) 01-18 最大公约数(Greatest_Common_Divisor) 01-18 唐纳德先生与假骰子 01-18 贝叶斯定理( Bayes_Theorem) 01-18 出题人的女装 01-18 出题人的RP值 01-17 三只小猪 01-17 斯特林数(Siteling_Number) 01-12 Polycarp's New Job 01-12 GCD Counting 01-12 Division and Union 01-12 Accordion 01-12 Minimum Integer 01-12 筱玛的迷阵探险 01-12 筱玛的排列 01-12 筱玛的快乐 01-10 Monotonic Renumeration 01-10 Balanced Ternary String 01-10 Doors Breaking and Repairing 01-10 Array K-Coloring 01-10 Integer Sequence Dividing 01-09 我要成为百度之星 01-09 多少个2011 01-08 讨厌三角形 01-08 铺地砖 01-07 巴什博奕(Bash_Game) 01-07 SG函数和SG定理(Sprague_Grundy) 01-07 矩阵快速幂(Matrix_Fast_Power) 01-07 Sum in the tree 01-07 Postcard 01-07 Squares and Segments 01-07 Snowball 01-07 Easy problem 01-07 Find the AFei Numbers 01-06 The Digits String 01-06 The Right-angled Triangles 01-06 Less taolu 01-06 II play with GG 01-06 Kuangyeye and hamburgers 01-06 a+b+c+d=? 01-06 Dandan's lunch 01-06 Sleepy Kaguya 01-06 bearBaby loves sleeping 01-06 AFei Loves Magic 01-05 产生数 01-05 Yuhao and a Parenthesis 01-05 Petr and a Combination Lock 01-05 Gennady and a Card Game 01-05 Rabbit的蛋糕 01-04 多边形面积(Area_Of_Polygons) 01-04 b^3 - a^3 = c 01-04 情人节的阻击 01-04 你的名字 01-04 数字选择 01-04 magic number 01-04 科学计数法 01-04 我好方 01-04 不要方 01-04 丢手绢 01-02 [USACO1.1]坏掉的项链Broken Necklace 01-02 [USACO1.1]黑色星期五Friday the Thirteenth 01-02 [USACO1.1]贪婪的送礼者Greedy Gift Givers 01-02 [USACO1.1]你的飞碟在这儿Your Ride Is He… 01-01 欧拉函数(Euler_Function) 01-01 圆周率π的精确计算